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A while back we ran a book giveaway contest for Two Gentlemen of Lebowski where we asked people to share why they love The Big Lebowski. The answers are listed below.
We also ran another contest asking “What have you learned from The Big Lebowski?” Answers are here.
Country | In your opinion, why is The Big Lebowski such a great film? |
United States | Well …. I’ am Dude therefore Dude I’ am |
United States | It’s directed by the Coen Bros. Great cast. Fantastic diaglogue, and it can be as shallow, or as deep as you make it. I love all the different philosophies and ethos in the film, what else can one say? |
United States | Anything I would say here would just be my opinion man. I think you should form your own, unless you really want me to go into detail. Mix another kaucasian loosen up your robe and watch it again. |
United States | it ties my life together, dude… |
Bulgaria | Because it is! |
United States | the Big Lebowski is a movie that can be watched again and again. You learn sometime more each time or just found something that most the guest will enjoy none the less. More then anything its a movie to put in wile your in your favorite house robe and drinking one fine white russian. Just dance your cares away wile your sparking up a jay worries for another day. |
United States | Because the Dude abides. |
United States | Well i dig the Big Lebowski because he has taught me so much about not letting the world get to me, i used to be and angry person with plenty of problems, but one fine day i discovered this great films and discovered Dudeism i learned much about my anger and what it does to me and others. Anger is very Un-Dude. We all have to learn to reach into ourselves and get rid of this anger and pettiness for it pee’s on the rug that tied the room together. Sure sometimes a Nihilist breaks into your private residence while you are listening to whale songs in a tub of Mr. Bubble, or a human paraquat steps over the line and won’t mark it zero. maybe your life currently has a lotta ins and a lotta outs, causing your inner Dude to spill his Caucasian and making your inner Walter to come out and make every goddamn moron walk into a world of pain. Well any time im feeling Un-Dude i say “fuck it” and go on down the trail to my inner Dudervana. i Try to Remember that new shit will eventually come to light. Life always has it’s strikes and gutters, forget about the fuckin’ toe and make myself a helluva Caucasian or go out and get me some lingonberry pancakes with some compeers and go bowling.
This film has changed my perspective on myself and my life. |
United States | As a fellow dude, its great to see another dude dudeing so hard. |
United States | Are we going to split hairs here? Jeff Bridges is quite possibly the greatest actor ever. The Big Lebowski combines elements of different genres and is hilarious every time. |
Italy | The Big Lebowski is my favourite film because it isn’t only a film, it’s a way to knew what we have to do in our own life… nothing. |
United States | because |
United States | The Big Lebowski presented to the world an Archetype of the way we all should live. Takin’ ‘er easy. |
United States | Classic film. Lots of wisdom buried throughout. Great acting. Wonderful entertainment – and quotable lines that go on for days! |
United States | I guess this is probably late, but I don’t know.
Had a long list of good stuff about this flick, but can’t find it now. Am going to rest for awhile, but will probably get back to you later on this. Abide! |
Poland | This film changed my lifestyle! |
United States | Honestly, it’s the concussion-induced musical tribute to bowling complete with dancing girls. “I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in. Ah, ah, ah, ahhhh.” |
Finland | You’ve seen the film, right? |
Canada | it abides…..makes my room man! |
Canada | Lebowski is the perfect fusion of umm…Lennon, Lenin, Chandler and Jesus. And it’s in English. |
Canada | Just a great representation of how we all need to CHILL. THE FUCK. OUT. Lol. Very brilliant artistically and comedically as well. Also, vaginas… |
United States | it shows me how to live life to the fullest, how to obtain true happiness through the way of the dude! |
United States | I love that it is so obsurd.
I know people like the characters of the story and love them dearly. It brings together the men of our generation…the Vets and the ones that stayed home in a Buddy movie! We are healed at last! |
Netherlands | Great characters, great dialogue and the dude’s way of life as an example for mankind |
United States | Any film that gives me a passion to actually write an article about it must be special… especially since I’ve never written… |
United States | It showcases that you should just take it a bit easier. |
United States | It is a flawlessly written piece that tries so very hard to appear flawed and half-baked when in fact it’s one of the most complete films of the last few decades. Even on my 18th viewing I still notice new details and nuances. It gives me plenty of reasons to love film. |
United States | Basically, the story is a metaphor for anti-existential anti-angst, in the non-parlance of our times. Even though the Dude originally stresses over the prospect that they’re gonna kill that poor woman, he is reminded of the folly of being un-Dude. Nothing is f***ed. This, of course, is a convenient oversimplification. It might not be such a simple, uh ,uh . . . it might be a lot more complex . . . and besides, new s*** is always coming to light. Hadn’t that ever occurred to you, man ? (Mind if I do a J ?) |
United States | The subtleties. There is so much there on so many levels. Plus the one liners are so great and fun to slip into everyday conversation (Calmer than you). |
United States | Because it always makes me laugh. |
United States | It’s a way of life. Down we all constantly just regurgitate what others say anyways? Like, “This aggression will not stand, man.” Why not have a common link to the profound ones from The Dude. For those of us Ordained, it’s like reading from The Scripture, man. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film. And that’s like, my opinion man. |
United States | You don’t often see a china-man peeing on a rug.. |
United States | Because it’s a film about carpet pissers. |
Ireland | Cause man,,, it shows the true nature and importance of the beast. Without the Big Dude all us little Dudes would think we are alone without true guidance, but the Big Dude shows the way and ‘lights up’ that path.
Also the Dude showed me the true beauty of wool and and how well a rug can really tie a room together. Fuck it. I don’t care if I win;. Thank you the Dude above for Dudes like you that give Dudes like me the opportunity to say just how much I love the Big Dude all mighty , the big and beautiful Lebowski. Take it handy, take it easy. stay beautiful. X |
United States | Cause it’s KICK FUCKN” ASS MY FRIEND.What else is there to say. |
Iceland | the big lebowski shows us that one can take it easy trough any circumstances and be okey afterwards… also it’s great to know what kind of attaire one should wear for maximum taking it easy possibilities |
United States | the big lebowski is a great film because it taught me that it’s cool to just be chill and not sweat the small things in life and there is nothing wrong with having the occasional acid flashback and never piss on another dudes rug because a good rug really ties the room together plus i have learned one of lifes greatest lessons from watching the big lebowski : to abide . |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film for both its filmography and ideas. It is filled with concepts of existentialism that go beyond the seemingly ‘simple’ film that it is. The Coen brothers remain some of the best filmmakers of our time. |
United States | As a big Coen Brothers fan and a huge Steve Buscemi fan, I simply couldn’t resist watching “Big Lebowski” The fist time I saw it, though, I walked away about halfway through. I decided to try again about a month later, and , to my surprise, fell in love.
The oddness of the different plots , the oh so quotable script, and extremely ridiculous yet still relate-able characters simply sucked me in and kept me there. I own the DVD now and watch it as often as I can. |
United States | I shouldn’t have to answer this. |
United States | Huh? Oh…
It just, you know, encompasses everything our world is, was, and possibly may become. …In a good way of course. Through the telling of this, the story of the Dude… Um. My train of thought left the station. Oh! Yeah! By telling the story of the Dude, perhaps we can all you know, “become one”, and learn to take it easy and just relax. Take it easy, James D. |
United States | I tell you but you would tell me to shut the fuck up. |
United States | He’s all about Zen.. Nothing bothers him, and goes with the flow of life around him, when the others are going crazy.
There are several messages to this movie: Don’t worry about the small stuff, and life is all small stuff. Go with the flow of life, and you won’t be stressed. |
United States | It just like the movie i would write. if was was into that whole thing you know… its to much stress for me man, but if your into that kind of thing its cool with me. |
United States | It calls all morals into question. |
United States | The Dude is the man I’ve always wanted to be. |
United States | The Dude knows how to live it up..take life one day at a time… |
United States | It really ties my life together. |
United States | Why is this even a question. Because it simply IS. Now, who the fuck stole my rug? |
United States | It’s like fungus or mold, it grows on you… I didn’t like it at first, except for a few parts (that rug, it really brings the room together). Then, I watched it a few more times, and with each viewing, I would catch something I’d missed that made me go ‘oh, hey that’s really clever’, until the fungus of the The Dude, had grown all over me. |
United States | Because, dude. |
Vietnam | Simply stated: its a philosophy for life. And the dude is one hell of a prophet |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a well written view on society from a simple man’s eyes. The Dude is a good man albeit lazy, but he is what we all aspire to be in our hearts. Content with life, through all the strikes and gutters. The film is poignant, just like at the end of the film, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. Life goes on, man. |
United States | Its a great tale of a man of his times. It reminds you sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. I would just ask why he had to use so many cuss words. |
United States | In addition to being written by those most dude of dudes, the Coen Brothers, specifically for The Dude, it bequeaths to us many a great lesson about life, friendship, confrontation, death and the meaning of the meaning of the great design of being alive, which is to fart around and just fucking relax, man. We can work hard and play hard, but we when we don’t take the hard path, play and work become one and the same. Thus, do we abide. |
Australia | It is my absolute favourite film EVER. I love The Dude! His attitude to life should be compulsory education in all schools. |
United States | Wow, man, it is like great because……well, you know, it’s just fuckin’ great. Maybe the greatest ever, because it’s so damned great. It’s got like everything you want or need or have ever seen or thought you’ve seen in a film and that makes it greater than all the other films, which aren’t very great. So, you got all that AND the fuckin’ Dude and that makes it the greatest of all the great films that have ever like been great. And it’s got bowling. It’s just a great fuckin’ film, man. |
United States | Well, you know it’s like when a film is more than a film man. |
Canada | Because of the high degree of cluster-fuckery that is present to some extent in all Coen films, mixed with Jeff Bridges and John Goodman being totally bad-ass in completely opposite ways. |
United States | Because it expresses the way everyone should live. It’s very well put together and as a film major I learn something new everytime I watch it. I also learned that when you try to be more like the dude while incorporating yourself into his aspects your life becomes way more… well you know what I’m trying to say.
The dude is far out. Abide, Devon Gilpatrick |
United States | Why not? |
United States | It shows that while it is noble to strive for enlightenment, even if we fall short things are still all going to be okay in the end. |
United States | I first saw The Big Lebowski when I was eleven. I didn’t understand a lot of the humor, but there was something about the film that pulled me into it. As I got older and life started happening, I kept coming back to the safety of The Big Lebowski. No matter what happened in my life, I could just watch The Dude, Walter, Donny, Maude, and the Nihilists and everything else would fall to the wayside. There’s something so great about a film that can pull the zen out of you; a film that feels like two hours of absolute calm while chaos ensues on the screen.
When I watch the film now, I see the subtle references and I see something new each time. I’ve probably watched The Big Lebowski over a thousand times in these near thirteen years, and it never gets old, it never loses any value to me. For me, this is a childhood film that will stick with me for the rest of my life. |
United States | *You can use my name*
The Dude teaches us that there is nothing to worry about. There are strikes and gutters, ups and downs but The Dude still abides. |
United States | The Big Lebowski changed my life. Before my first of hundreds of viewing I did not abide. I was a young, headstrong man. Now I abide and my life is as it should be – perfect. |
United States | The Dude ! |
United States | Laugh out loud moments are rare these days. Laugh out loud moments that keep you laughing even on the 20th viewing are why this is a great film. |
United States | 1. The man wore Jelly Beans….nuff said.
2. Showed a much younger, sexier, non-alcoholic version of Tara Reid….never to be seen again! 3. It helped create Dudeism, and I can now officially say “dude, call me reverend Hunter, please” 4. John Goodman….best performance I have, and will probably ever see of him…..kuddos to his performance. 5. It showed in life that money, big homes, and young wives don’t always bring happiness. But a rug, some Creedance, and a J is sometimes the only thing you need!! 6. If it wasn’t for the show, I would have just looked like a stoner wearing a bathrobe for Halloween…instead, I won “Best Costume”. 7. I was on a reality television show in 2010, and refused to turn my “The Dude Abides” t-shirt inside out…and the producers couldn’t say no, because they loved the movie that much. Unfortunately, I was never aired with it on, but it was still a win. |
United States | it chronicles the strange ideals of a time period unlike any other while also highlighting the timelessness of mans journey toward enlightenment. |
United States | the dude abides |
United States | I love The Big Lebowski because it has been growing on me and becoming even more hilarious every time I’ve seen it over the last five years. Also, even though it’s gained a solid following, the dialogue is still like an inside joke. My friends and I will have full conversations strait from the movie in public. I’ve told numerous folks to check TBL out, exclaiming that I’ve based my life on the flick. More often than not, when they finally see the movie, they seek me out and say, “Yeah…I can see that”. It makes me so proud. :] |
United States | Look dudes, I see it this way. If everyone in the world was a little bit more like the dude, well dude, I think this world would be a more happenin place. Especially, if-uh people stuck to that strict herb regimen the dude does. And white Russians are damn good drink!
Peace, love, and abide. |
United States | It just is man. |
United States | I think that The Big Lebowski is a great film because it is about one man fighting injustice and aggression, man. The dude is trying, but the people around him who try to help are getting in the way. He just wants to be and be left alone, and I think we can all relate to that. It is a film that illistrates the madness of the world and that people take life too seriously. And, the film is hilarious. |
United States | I feel the biggest reasons this movie is fantastic is down to a few reasons. First, the cast is perfect. Not one person cast feels out of place. Second, the way that the people interact is phenomenal. To get down to the point is this: I have never laughed so much during a movie and watched any movie as many times as this movie. The Big Lebowski has the best catchphrases th use in your daily life. Every person I know and love i have asked to watch this movie to better understand my humor. Ilove hearing lines used earlier in the movie later used by either different characters or in different contexts. I won’t use some great line in the movie in this area because I feel too many people will. I will leave with this: Name one movie that has this many events year round and that brings such joy and the gift of bowling? |
Canada | Two words: “the whites.” The sheer number of quotable lines from this film is staggering. I make every attempt to bust out a Big Lebowski quote whenever I feel it’s appropriate. |
United States | That’s just, like, your opinion, man. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film based largely on the casting choices. Jeff Bridges as “The Dude” is an inspired choice, and the choices of Buscemi and Goodman as Donny and Walter are phenomenal, with even the smallest bits played by actors whose portrayal would make it hard to imagine the roles being played by anyone else. The dialogue is edgy and fun, and easily quotable which makes The Big Lebowski one of the greatest movies of all time. |
United Kingdom | because it is the funniest film i have ever seen! ive never warmed to any characters as much as i have to the dude! and your site says it all really how many other films can you worship!
All hail the latterday dude! |
France | Because this movie really tied the spirit together ^^ |
United States | It really ties the room together. |
United States | I don’t know why you would even ask such a question. It just is, man. |
United Kingdom | Because it abides! |
Spain | Are you kidding me ? |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski is such a great film for heaps of reasons!!
First off and foremost, The Dude is in it! Plus three of my favourite actors are in it, Jeff Bridges, John Goodman and the wonderful Steve Buscemi!! The chemistry between these three is feckin awesome! Let’s see, what else…..white russians? slutty second wives? bowling? nam flashbacks? Julianna Moore being a nut job artist? Doobs? Rugs? The soundtrack!! Gutterballs? A drawing of a guy with a huge nob?? lol Seriously though, a thoroughly well thought out, mellow, funny and at times really sad piece of comedy genius that has inspired thousands to become Dudeists – me and my partner, my brother-in-law, and one of my best friends included! |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because every moment of it is full of detail and quotable lines. Every character is played by an actor who is excellent. It is fun to watch, to quote, to relive with friends, to rewatch over and over. Love it! (Love it so much, we dressed up as characters and went bowling for my birthday a couple years ago.) |
United States | Nihlists, The Dude, bowling, white Russians, oriental rugs….what else does one need in life? |
United States | It’s a complex comedy. It makes you think. It’s hard not to like. And there’s lots of cursing. The Dude is an anti-hero. Careful, there’s a beverage here! |
New Zealand | It was a flicker-film? I thought I had a vision, man. One of those epiphany things you get when you’re high on… deep meditation and groovy peaceful thoughts. A film? I’m going to have to refer back to Tao of Dude, Dude. |
United States | just cuz it is man… |
Canada | In short, it’s the greatest film ever made because, no matter how many times i watch it, it doesn’t get any worse, and i laugh harder and harder with each viewing. |
United States | It gives us a true slacker hero. That and the soundtrack. Well, and everything else about it. |
United States | do you mind if i have a drink and do a jay? |
United States | It’s the best film ever. The list of why it’s such a great film is too long to type. |
United States | Brilliant acting, great script and directing… how could it not be a great film?! |
United States | Because it is the right length. |
Australia | The characters make the people the way the actors make you feel like there real people |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski just is. It is 117 minutes of pure perfection. It is everything that is great about film. It is a superb combination of intention and what seems like pure chance coming together to make something beautiful. All this and the finest example of a scene involving a bathtub and ferrets. |
United Kingdom | Its pretty far out, gives a lot if information on how to take it easy, usually the public isnt privy to this new information as it’s a lot to keep in one dudes head. All in all it has a lot of in’s, a lot of outs and a lot of what have you’s. All you can do is take her easy and abide. |
United States | Its never the same from viewing to viewing. |
United Kingdom | Its off the wall, its jeff bridges, its the coen bros.
simple facts. |
United States | Coen Bros. are my favorite directors and Jeff Bridges is in top form. |
United States | The dialogue between The Dude, Walter and Donny is the best of any three friends on film ever. Plus, The Dude’s take on life is something we could all live by. |
United States | I think the very first bowling alley scene exemplifies what makes this movie one of the best comedies, nay, movies ever. The quick fire dialogue, the clearly drawn characters and relationships; everything is just so clear cut and defined and everyone just lives in the world, it pulls you in and you enjoy every minute. |
United States | That’s just err like my opinion man. |
United States | the Big Leboswski represents what life is like for those of us who just take it easy. we don’t loose out cool very often and when we do we are a mighty force, theres nothing quite like relaxing and having a conversation with a White Russian in hand, and when bored, bowl. |
United States | All men want to be as care free and have the “don’t give a shit” attitude the dude has. He is worthless yet amazing all at the same time. He is the hero we all want to emulate but society wont let us. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through The Dude! |
United States | Am I wrong? |
United States | THE DUDE! |
United States | The characters, the dialog, and the plot. And not to mention The archive of one line catch phrases that go down in history. |
United States | Like in my opinion, man, I think that The Big Lebowski is a prime example of the struggle that every dude goes through at one time or another in this mixed up world. |
United States | It’s just a fun romp with the perfect casting of Jeff Bridges as Lebowski. |
United States | Every great work is measured by its ability to be popular or examined throughout generations. The Coen Brothers film “The Big Lebowski” is no different. With each viewing layers are stripped away and new plot connections are discovered. Or the same ramblings of nihilists, tormented veterans, wealthy porn stars and entrepreneurs that keep scratching your head in an effort to drift away in wisps, leading to unrestrictive Coen Brother imagination. Or wonder, is this shit real? |
United States | Just as the rug really ties the room together, this movie really ties life together. |
United States | Because I care about nossing… |
Canada | I have never met someone who has seen The Big Lebowski and not liked it. What more is there?
But thats just like, my opinion, man. |
Canada | It is a cinematographic celebration of Dudeism. |
United States | Do I really have to say? I think it speaks for itself! |
Jordan | DUDE!! It’s casual ;-] |
United States | It’s the DUDEIST. |
United States | The mix of humor and honesty. Believable characters, impeccable acting. |
United States | It’s relaxed and comedic in an intelligent fashion. Plus it has some pretty righteous music. |
United States | Its clever, hilarious, amazingly well-crafted, and the Dude is a character for the ages. |
United States | because it is. |
United Kingdom | Yeah… well that’s just like, your opinion, man. And mine. |
United States | In a world with so much WRONG,,, the Dude is so much RIGHT!!! |
United States | Because man, you know, it just…like…is…man. |
Estonia | The Big Lebowski was so great film because it teatched me a big lesson about being a dude – ceep it cool at all times! |
Italy | The view of life and the funny description of the ‘too much’ serious men/stories in life and movies. To be not so serious on their face, it’s a perfect way to be really darling creature |
United States | Because it’s
reality for some people. |
Australia | It’s a film?? I thought it was a self help guide. A lifestyle reference piece designed to ease me through the passage of what little time I have on this planet. Man, a movie!!!!! Thats a bummer!! didn’t pick that up at all. Well…..you know, come to think of it the credits were a bit long, and some of the names were familiar. Flea rang a bell….isn’t he a muso?
Any ho….it’s a fine watch all the same. |
Canada | There are several main reason why this movie is one of the best movies ever made!
firstly, the cast is comprised of big name Hollywood actors and clearly spotlight their talent in this film. Secondly, the Coen brothers are simply artists at their craft. The Big Lebowski is a funny yet very serious film that takes the viewer on an interesting and strange journey through L.A. Thirdly, The sound track is amazing! It is comprised of Bob Dylan, to Kenny Rodgers. I bought a copy and listen to it often because it is so dynamic. Finally, The story line is pure genius! It is merely a story about a regular lazy guy that is mistaken for a millionaire with the same name. In the process his rug is urinated upon. The rest of the story is about Jeff Lebowski trying to get a new rug! The dialogue is also filled with hilarious and memorable quotes. for example: “that rug really tied the room together!” or “Nobody fucks with the Jesus!” In conclusion, The Big Lebowski is one of the best movies because of the cast, the directors, the soundtrack, the storyline and dialogue. Amazing movie! |
United States | Simply the laid back, easy going manner of The Dude. |
United Kingdom | The film teaches many great world viewpoints. It shows us a way to live the great dream which and it covers the awesomeness of bowling. Its a league game remember. |
United States | One line alone, “I don’t roll on the Shabbos, “is enough to make the film a classic. |
India | ’cause it just really ties reality together |
India | ’cause it just IS, man, y’know? |
Armenia | Don’t know man, I’m sleepy and have an exam in an hour :/ So just give me my book. Besides I’m from a very little third world country, that would make me very happy to receive a book from across the ocean!! ^_^ LOL :D Seriously
Cheers |
Italy | The Big Leboswski is the best film i’ve ever seen cause the protagonists are fuckin real!! |
India | Because, true to the hairy armpits of a dude it gives balls to the un-dudes teeming in the celluloids and beyond. Because, somewhere, it gives me, a closet-dude, fettered to a 9-to-5 DUDism, a ray of hope- that a day will soon come when people will be known by their dudsims and nothing else. That there will be awesome wicked ball-wrenching gut-twirling nuts-milling dudarchy.
Watching the movie should be the first rite of passage to becoming a true dude. I wish peace to all the dudes who were. Profound respect to the dudes who are. A promise of a better land to the future dues. And so…..let there be Dudes. |
United States | everyone has a little dude or walter in them!
we identify with the dude…except for the rug pissing |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film because it makes you want to believe in something. It makes you want to say “down with the Nihilists”. It makes you want to pick up hobbies (bowling or what have you). It makes you want to be like The Dude. The Dude is just so effortlessly cool. Whether he’s bowling or rug snatching or doing a “J”. Not to mention the film is hilarious and quotable, making it epic. Everyone knows about it, but its not something people “conform to” just because its cool. I could walk up to a random person and say “nobody fucks with the Jesus” or “The Dude abides” and they would know what I’m talking about. I think if everyone just shrugged their shoulders had a more “sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you” attitude, the world would be a much better and less stressful place. Abidingly Yours, Sunnie. |
United States | The dude does all without doing. He is like Winnie the Pooh; a true taoist in all respects. The dude just hangs and the universe unfolds itself before him. This is what I like most about the Big Lebowski: it shows the importance of “bein’ cool” and not worrying about things too much because everything tends to work itself out in the end. |
United States | Truly, one of the best things about The Big Lebowski is the treats and rewards it bestows on repeat viewers. I have honestly lost track of how many times I have seen the movie; nonetheless, every time I watch the movie I find something new– a reference I didn’t catch before; a parallelism previously missed; a ridiculous line of dialogue that had slipped through the cracks of my memory. There is ALWAYS something new to be found.
Additionally, the movie is a reminder to just take ‘er easy. It’s a lesson easily forgotten in today’s society. Sometimes when I am at work, I get completely stressed out. But then I remember he’s out there. The Dude. Takin ‘er easy for all of us sinners. Anyways, yeah, the movie demonstrates the absolute crazy world out there and what can go wrong at the worst time. Yet, all throughout the movie, the Dude keeps his composure (save one angry phonecall to Walter; but you have to admit, for what the Dude went through, going that easy on him was quite a restrained reaction). Finally, I love bowling, and it is a central part of the movie. That is actually what attracted me to it in the first place. Strikes and gutters, man. |
United States | This movie has something for everyone…bowling for the sports fans, a naked chick for the guys (and some girls), action scenes to keep everybody awake, family drama and a little romance for the ladies, art for the artsy-fartsy types, and a nice rug to really pull it all together. |
United States | Because, you know, it just tied the whole room together, man |
United States | Well It just is. Nuff said. |
United States | :) |
United States | fuckin-eh ! |
United States | It’s a Western, it’s Busby Berkeley, it’s “Branded!”, it’s the holy trinity, it’s a primer on dao, it’s a time capsule of the 1990s and it’s a descent into a hard-boiled Philip Marlowe acid trip. It is, simply, the best film ever made, dude. |
United States | The best quotes, the best characters, the best of the Coens great work. “I hated seeing Donny go, but then, I happen to know there’s a LITTLE Lebowski on the way.” |
United States | Because it’s the Big Lebowski |
Canada | Because no mater how many times you watch it, there is ALWAYS something new to observe & love. |
United States | The dude |
United States | It’s a perfect reminder that you can survive the Big Lebowskis of the world with a simple “Fuck you”, a couple oat sodas and few frames at the lanes. |
United States | Because tht dvd really ties the room together. |
Canada | It gave birth to the most relaxed religion in the universe |
United States | The awesomeness of The Big Lebowski can be explained in two words: White Russian |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a philosophical smorgasbord. Religious texts, self-help books and the like have no real place in the world since the release of The Big Lebowski. |
United States | Every time I watch it, I notice a new wrinkle, a new little subtle thing that makes the movie that much better. It really is one of the best films ever made. |
United States | It’s a great film because it does teach us to chill out & enjoy life. It’s an adventure… and not just about the rug! |
United States | It’s a modern look into the world that is the parliament of our times.. LOL!! I love the characters, the story, hell, I even love the narrator! This film is a classic that will live in the hearts of Dudists FOREVER man, so just take’er easy and let me win somethin. Werd. :) |
United States | The Dude lives the perfect life! He is not wrapped up in greed and does not need material things (at least very few).
The way the movie was shot is phenomenal as well, with the artistic ‘dream’ sequences and shit. Honestly, John Goodman’s character, Walter, made the movie exponentially better as well! I have always loved Goodman as an actor but Walter was the perfect co-star character I have ever seen! Buscemi is also a great actor and even though his part is small his character adds to Goodman’s performance by being a target for him. The Big Lebowski is also one of the rare films that I can watch over and over and never tire of it. I can watch it from the start and stop whenever or jump into the middle of it and it always makes me laugh. Hands-down one of my top 5 movies of all time!!! |
United States | I have been through some trying times in my life and to see this Dude go through what he goes through and still Abide… Beautiful man. Honestly, trying to just abide has gotten me out of quite a few jams. I may not achieve the Buddha’s peace, Christ’s compassion, Confuscious’ wisdom, or that perfect zen that the Dude has. Until then brother, I ABIDE!!! |
United States | Because its chock full of lessons to live by. |
United States | dude…..dude…i mean DUDE……………
what? |
United States | Because. It just is, man. There are films and there are, ya know, The Big Lebowski. That’s just how it is, man. I mean, you don’t gotta like it, but the least you can do is respect the dude. |
United Kingdom | Dude, I mean, come on. Seriously? Do you really need to ask? |
United States | It is one giant zen Koan. |
United States | His dudeness knows the true meaning of life, I’ll forever strive to be more dude-like in my every day existence. The dude definitely abides! |
United States | The China man took my job from me in Korea. |
United States | Dudeism. Period. |
Ireland | Lebowski is such a great film for many reasons. it’s one of the most quotable films ever made and anyone who’s ever slacked off a day in their life can identify with the dude. plus it’s hilarious watching a guy get smacked in the face with a mug. nice marmot, the dud abides. |
United States | Tis’ a transcendent glimpse into a subtle world of tremendous and cosmic significance that touches the soul and stirs the mind to great and dizzying heights…Dude! |
United States | It just is. |
United States | “Fuck it dude… let’s go bowling.” The best way to resolve any conflict or hardship. |
United States | Because no other movie combines bowling, crime, comedy, philosophy and white Russians as well. The Sound of Music comes close, I guess. |
United States | Lebowski takes film noir and turns it upside down and inside out. It’s the only film noir shot almost entirely during the day time. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is the embodiment of “Can’t we all just get along?” Yes, sometimes there must be ass-kicking, but only because somebody else violates your Dude-space. Be excellent to each other, abide peacefully, and the world would be a much mellower place. |
United States | Jeff Bridges…it just took Hollywood a little longer to realize a great actor’s work. |
United States | The best example of underachiever achievement ever.
In English. |
United States | Oh man would take me forever to list why. But overall it’s just a movie we can all learn from. To just “Take it easy man” and have a nice beverage. Such a deep movie with so much meaning has touched me like never before (not in a gay way) And it has helped me become one with the dude. If only we could all just abide, sit back on the proverbial rug that ties the room that is our mind together, and sip on some white russians and watch this move like in a global group. Now that would be peace on Earth man. |
United States | Because the Chinamen is not the fucking issue here, and tomorrow is already the 10th. |
United States | funny and just overall makes me relax. |
United States | The Dude knows how to take it easy. He’s been in some tough shit. It’s something we all need to learn to do in our lives, even if they arn’t as entertaining. |
United States | amusing |
United States | The Big Lebowski is more than just a film, it’s a way of life. I cannot think of any better way or medium to help spread the word of the Dude than Mr. Coen’s illustration of takin’ it easy. Personally it’s one of my favorite pieces of film to quote, and I have gotten into the habit of saying “Well you know, that’s just like, your opinion, man.” quite often. |
Switzerland | It ties the room together man |
Canada | Because it’s more than a film, it’s a philosophy. It’s about chilling out, tripping out, living the one life you’ve got to the fullest and finding a fucking rug that ties the room together. |
United States | Always fun to watch. A masterwork. |
United States | It’s message is layered to perfection but not obvious. The actors, top notch as were their performances. The message as clear as day when you open your eyes. “Just relax, man” and “That rug REALLY tied the room together” |
Canada | The Big Lebowski is the embodiment of Ma’at. It contains everything in perfect balance; the whole durn human comedy… |
Germany | Times like these call for a Big Lebowski. |
United States | It’s a combination of a Chandler-esque mystery with a man in over his head in a large conspiracy with hundreds of quotable lines. |
Italy | The Big Leboswki is a light in a darkness night, but the light is lika star…the star of magician…the star of my way… |
United States | The Big Lebowski embodies all that is “taking it easy.” The fuck it all attitude carries over into various situations and truly displays what it means to not stress over trivial things. |
United States | Before the Big Lebowski entered my life I never realized how out of my element I was. Now I understand the consequences of fucking a stranger in the ass and/or finding a stranger in the Alps. I am, on a very personal level, a tremendous fan. Now, forget about the fucking toe and abide. |
United States | I think that the actors who portrayed the characters made the movie so great. I don’t think anyone else could have pulled off Jesus like John Turturro… cuz no body fucks with the Jesus. |
United States | It just effing is the greatest!!! |
United States | The Big Lebowski, like Easy Rider, opens a window to a sub-culture of Americans with the right idea. |
United States | The movie “The Big Lebowski” was everything a great movie should be. This movie had a great plot line, crazy edge-of-your-seat twists, action, drama, and good looking women. Now days in the movie industry, all of these qualities are sought after, but where the makers of “The Big Lebowski” hit their home-run was in creating the main character. The Dude was an average guy. He wasn’t a super hero or a CEO of a corporation. He wasn’t depicted as a good guy or a bad guy. He was simply the average dude doing the average dude-ly things. His mission was simple. Being an average dude, I connected with his pain. All he wanted was his rug. He was focused on the simple things in life and the stresses of everything going on didn’t seem to faze him. He was a man that everyone wishes they could be. The Dude became a hero to me, That is why The Big Lebowski was, and is, a great film. |
United States | The Big Lebowski fulfills every movie requirement -it’s a work of comedic genius, sexy as a cigarette ad, there’s a cute cuddly ferret, and the death of a dear friend, Donnie. Who doesn’t like to take it easy, man? |
Canada | Because it really ties the cinematic world together. |
India | …snort….smoke…what?…snort…smoke…drink…smoke…surf…what?…smoke… |
United States | I think it has the best characterization in any movie I’ve seen. You start feeling for the characters pretty quickly, and the major antagonist is hardly even present for most of the movie, yet still manages to be hateful. |
United States | I would enter a very clever answer, but that would stress me out. |
United States | Sometimes the bar eats you. |
Italy | Because the entire movie is full of my philosophy: take the whole thing very easy,man.
And also I like rugs!! See you on the trails. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is the only film that I have ever seen where I have the perfect role model. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is built on characters and dialog. The plot stays out of the way, giving just enough buoyancy to keep things interesting. Every scene has multiple quotable lines. There is also a nostalgia element. For the most part, the film is contemporary. It sits right on the brink of the internet and cell phones bringing their constant buzz to everything we do. One part of the move features a cell phone, but it is huge and inconvenient. |
United States | Because it provides a way of life for all of us sinners out here. |
United States | It’s just a timeless classic,having to fight nihlistic forces and all the dude wants is his Creedence. |
United States | Well, this here opinion I’m about to unfold is about a man. Way out west there was this fella… fella I wanna tell ya about. Fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least that was the handle his loving parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. Mr. Lebowski, he called himself “The Dude”. Now, “Dude” – that’s a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But then there was a lot about the Dude that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. And a lot about where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that’s why I found the place so darned interestin’. They call Los Angeles the “City Of Angels.” I didn’t find it to be that, exactly. But I’ll allow there are some nice folks there. ‘Course I can’t say I’ve seen London, and I ain’t never been to France. And I ain’t never seen no queen in her damned undies, so the feller says. But I’ll tell you what – after seeing Los Angeles, and this here opinion I’m about to unfold, well, I guess I seen somethin’ every bit as stupefyin’ as you’d see in any of them other places. And in English, too. So I can die with a smile on my face, without feelin’ like the good Lord gypped me. Now this here opinion I’m about to unfold took place back in the early ’90s – just about the time of our conflict with Sad’m and the I-raqis. I only mention it because sometimes there’s a man… I won’t say a hero, ’cause, what’s a hero? But sometimes, there’s a man. And I’m talkin’ about the Dude here. Sometimes, there’s a man, well, he’s the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that’s the Dude, in Los Angeles. And even if he’s a lazy man – and the Dude was most certainly that. Quite possibly the laziest in Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin’ for laziest worldwide. But sometimes there’s a man, sometimes, there’s a man. Aw. I lost my train of thought here. But… aw, hell. I’ve done given my opinion enough. |
United States | The film is life. Some days you eat the bar and somedays the bar eats you. Its the higest of highs and the lowest of the lows. Its something that every person on earth can relate with. |
United States | It’s a life lesson that we all have experienced or will experience in the future. Plus it’s just damn funny! |
United States | Multi-layered, lots of ins and outs… |
United States | Do you really need to ask?
One has only to view this masterpiece to fully understand the significance of its social, cultural, environmental, and Dudal impact. One has only to Relax, Abide and Take it Easy. R.A.T.E. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a humorous depiction of the comedy of life and it particularly resonates with me (especially when I’m stoned or have consumed a few caucasians) because of the fact that all of us–ALL OF US–have a little bit of Dude, and a little bit of Walter, and even a smidgen of Brandt, Bunny, and Donnie, in us.
Male, female, nihilist, pacifist, marmot, it doesn’t matter. We all have to deal with the ins, outs, and what-have-yous that life throws our way. The Dude and rest of the gang help us smile and realize that we need to work on sitting back and enjoying the ride a little more than we tend to do. Am I wrong? |
United States | It has given me some true perspective on what condition my condition is in.
Also.. coitus? He fixes the cable? |
India | The Big Lebowski is not just a film, it is a how-to guide to life itself. One cannot thank the Coen brothers enough for blending the foundational teachings of a religion with cinematic excellence in equal parts (as in the White Russian).
And I also take back a lot from the Dude, I owe him a lifetime of happiness and joy. Here I am, takin’ her easy, all the way down, in thick and in thin. That’d be me summing up as to how much I am obliged after watching The Big Lebowski, it’s an experience on cannot forget, that strand of memory that, well…that…lost my train of thought there! |
United States | Why would you ask this question? There is no question. It is the greatest film. It just is. |
United States | The Dude emanates peace and tranquility. He lives in harmony with himself and those surrounding him. When conflict arises he faces it and resolves the situation with honesty and composure. |
United States | Dude.
You haveta ask? |
Canada | Jeff Bridges as “the Dude” inspiring me to “Take it easy” in a world where the older and more informed we get the more we stress over the inevitability of things that we have no control over. Shit happens so “Fuck it” we all need to “Lighten up” we take ourselves too seriously. I don’t want an inner child full of imagination, open minded and uninhibated existing as a mere shadow of its former glory in the corner of my heart. I want to be my inner child no matter how old I get. |
United Kingdom | It’ a great film as it introduced me to the wonders of the white Russian.. |
United States | Film? What film? I’m here to learn the meaning of life! Just take it easy. |
Canada | Esperanza muere ultima….
hope dies last! |
United States | Its all in the details, man.
First, everything Walter says basically comes true in the end – like he is some sort of soothsayer. It is only later that you realize he is steering the Dude into all these interesting situations because of his own Megalomania. Second, the Dude borrows quotes from earlier scenes throughout the whole film and spins them as his own. As President Bush says – the Dude will not stand for this agression and do you mean coitus? And I could go on and on about this amazing film… |
United States | This story gives all the Dudes and Dudettes out there some hope for a better society…and a hope their last names are unique.
Cinematographic Masterpiece |
United States | Because, in the end, The Dude abides…. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because it is more than a movie, it is a way of life. There is a good reason that it has become a “cult classic,” it’s awesome! |
United States | It shows how life need not be complicated to move smoothly until complicated people come along and disrupt the whole thing. |
United Kingdom | Because it is a story that doesn’t need to begin or end, it just goes with it and so do you. It’s a life lesson. |
United States | Shut the fuck up, Donny. |
United States | It promotes the fact that humanity needs to slow down, smell the roses, and enjoy life. As Patrick McGoohan pointed out in his 1960s TV masterpiece ‘The Prisoner,’ technology has advanced too fast, and humanity has not evolved enough to ethically control it and themselves.
We need to accept the diversity of life, as exemplified by the friendship of the Dude, Walter, and Donnie, three distinct personalities with different life philosophies, but who accept one another for what they are. Also, though Walter is a macho blowhard war veteran, it is the laid-back, lovable Dude who, when a crisis occurs, rises to the occasion as the man who sets things straight. The Dude abides! |
United States | It’s just right |
United States | It does a wonderful job with character development. |
United States | ah, fuck it dude. let’s go bowling. |
Ireland | simple, a guide to the tests and tribulations of life, a simple how to in order to overcome.
If you know of the bible its easy to see that the Dude was Tested like Jobe and has the patience and love of Buddah. The movie is simply put, g good guide to a good guide. |
United States | Um, mind if I smoke a J? |
United States | Because it is. |
United States | The answer is simple — it’s just the funniest movie ever made :-) |
United Kingdom | He’s not a man, he’s an idea. And you can’t kill an idea. |
United States | Ha! No explanation necessary we’re already indoctrinated. |
United States | Yah, well, y’know, thats just like, my opinion, man. |
United States | Everytime you watch it, you pick up something new. |
United States | It inspires me to remain calm, like The Dude, amidst the chaos of life. |
United States | What’s not great about this movie? |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because it can be interpreted on many different levels, ranging across the spectrum from light-hearted comedy (we all need to laugh now and then) to philosophy for how to live one’s life.
The Dude abides. |
United States | The Big Lebowski film is stewed in unpredictability, disjointed social graces and gloriously whimsical peeks-o-reality. It gives the average vacuous $heep-dipped knee-bender a chance to escape the hyperbole and fallaciou$ rhetoric of overbearing $kewed value $y$tem$. In other words, it facilitates the abiding. |
Ireland | In two words “The Dude”
What a character! The Dude abides with me, and makes me smile because I GET IT!!! |
United States | Because at first it doesn’t seem like that amazing of a movie at all. But the more you watch it the more it becomes a classical piece of art with new layers to discover each time. |
Germany | No, no, the BIG Lebowski is a BIG film. BIG like in Casablanca, The life of Brian or Ben Hur. You’ll find it all: Love, drama, life, death, religion, alcohol and this other thing, whatdoyacallit … ? Anyway, BIG film, BIG fun. |
United States | Cause the dude abides! |
Netherlands | Dude ! |
Germany | it shows how live can uh flow or what ever |
United States | In one word, “THE DUDE”. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great movie because it’s one of the first movie I’ve ever seen like it. I love all the characters, especially Walter and I love the drunk craziness that happens :D |
United States | to show the world why we should just relax and take it easy,no more.no less. |
United States | That film, man, it just tied my life together. Know what I mean? |
United Kingdom | The most quotable movie in history? Are you kidding me? Shut the f*ck up, Donny! |
Italy | …don’t get me wrong, but let’s talk about my carpet… |
Australia | Because it shows us that in the face of so much turmoil, one can always remain calm. When the piss hits the rug, what does the dude do? The Dude abides. |
United States | Strikes and gutters |
United Arab Emirates | humanized enlightenment |
United States | It embodies and instantiates a lifestyle which I find extraordinarily zen-like and admirable, and in the process it turns out to be a funny, entertaining experience all in its own. |
Australia | Every character, even those that appear briefly, are so well developed. Also, it’s hilarious and The Dude is the greatest man who never lived. |
Netherlands | Because it’s about the Dude!
And besides that it has: a great story, lot’s of filosofy, humor, bowling, constant nagging about a rug, best one-liners ever, great characters beside the Dude, Flea as a German, great halucinations, White Russians, sarsaparilla drinking Cowboy that only the Dude can see, gigling homosexuals, wonderful dance-act and great music by the Eagles ;-) And since I regretably cannot afford it to come over to the States for the day of the Dude, can you throw in a T-shirt? Thanks, man! Hans |
Italy | e’ l’essenza dell’essere toffa dentro!!!!! |
United States | It just is man |
Russia | The Big Lebowski is a great film because It shows how each of us can achieve our goals especially without straining. And if we do not get it, the film teaches us not to strain in this regard, because sooner or later anyway, and everything will be okay. |
Italy | Donny’s character, that’s all. |
United States | That’s like asking what it is about a rug that ties the room together. You know it inside. In your bones. |
Italy | It is a revelation……..take it easy Dude, and have a nice day, Rev. Vinz |
Poland | Yeah! Absolutely |
United States | One of my favorite themes in The Big Lebowski is how Walter seems like a nutcase but he’s actually right about quite a few things. He is rather like Larry David in that regard but angrier and better suited to a ridiculous caper across Los Angeles.
However, unlike most capers, the details of the subterfuge really isn’t all that important. I’m still not even sure exactly what happens in the film. Oh well, my revolution is over. |
United States | Comon dude, like really? |
United States | The Dude is timeless. He knows not the boundaries of film or prose. |
United States | Dude, if you gotta ask, you just don’t get it. |
United States | Long before I’d seen the film, strangers in the supermarket at midnight who had would sometimes stalk me from aisle to aisle, believing I was the Dude. That was awesome. Thank you. |
United States | The true to life personalities….I know these people in real life!!! |
United States | There are many reasons. The first being the Coen Brother’s are head and shoulders above others. The performances are second to none. There is SOO much talent in the film. (I know I don’t need to list the names). |
United States | Because – like, its my autobiography. That film really tied the whole cinematic industry together man! |
United States | the dude abides. |
Canada | this great Coen Brothers movie gives positive affirmation to all the sixties survivors, still struggling to maintain their humour & hippie idealism, in the current economic collapse of the yuppie delusion.
the Dudes from the sixties were right all along, despite being treated like buffoons by the scientific-materialist drugged young Republicans, who bought the Reaganomics & Bush bullshit; that sacked the U.S. infra-structure, put the working class out of work and the world into George Orwell’s 1984 nightmare of perpetual war, global ecological clearcut & economic gridlock. |
Canada | there was a lot about the film that didnt make a lot of sense to me, but then, maybe thats why I found it so durn interesting…
I only mention it because sometimes theres a film, sometimes theres a film thats just right for it’s time and place. And that was the Big Lebowski… |
United States | In my opinion The Big Lebowski is not just a great film, but the greatest film of all time. All the best features of drama, mystery, romance, and comedy come together to be a part of the Cohen brothers greatest achievement. |
United States | After watching the film (on VHS a few ears or so after it came out) I declared to my friend, “I have a new life idol.” To this day, whenever I am in a quandary I think, WWDD? |
United States | The Dude is an iconoclast. He defies easy definition, and by doing so he becomes relatable. We see ourselves in him; our excesses, our vices, our flaws, but also our triumphs, and ultimately our greatness in smallness. Combine that character with a perfect ensemble akin to This American Bowling Life, and you have pure magic. |
United States | The dude shows us all that all you need is a little cream and kahluh, a couple good friends who are with you through thick and thin, a bowling alley, and perhaps a nice, unsoiled rug to be happy. All the money and power mean nothing in this world. So… man… the dude abides. |
United States | its an insperation of life. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film because it transcends what makes a good movie good and instead shows us what a great movie is.
There is the plot, a twist filled tale of betrayal, kidnapping, and men who treat objects like women. This is a film noir P.I. movie for a modern generation. Instead of a bum in a fedora skulking street corners, here is a bum who wanders the roads of LA getting baked and looking for Bunny. The dialogue? I need not discuss some things man. You already know. And the message. Unlike other movies, this film offers the message without banging you over the head with it. The best part is, you can take away whatever you like. Lebowski is taking it easy for us sinners and just enjoying what he wants in life. He wants to abide and relax and live his life on his terms. |
United States | Because it inspired so many people to become Abiding Dudes. And those people emailed me the Dudeist newsletter right when i was about to embark on the first of seven term papers I’ve got to write in the next two weeks. I had even forgotten that the Day of the Dude was coming up! I needed this, man. Book or not, thanks sincerely. I like your style. |
United States | I think the film shows us how we should live our lives…just chill out, relax, take what comes along and enjoy cold frothy beverages. The Dude is a role model for a happy life. |
United States | What sold me on this film the first time I watched it, were the first words The Dude said. After the carpet pisser has been dunking our beloved Dude’s head in the toilet, screaming “Where’s the money Lebowski! Where’s the fucking money shit head!” he replies, “Ughh, ugh, uhh, It’s…It’s down there somewhere let me take another look”. Brilliance. |
United States | It’s one of the few films I can watch over and over and over and over and never get tired of. It’s the kind of film that just gets you in a real good mood while you’re watching it, while making you feel more relaxed after watching it.
It’s funny, it’s brilliant, it’s just everything you could ever want in a film, and I love every minute of it. |
United States | It just is! |
United States | It was just so awesome man. Or I think it was. I don’t remember much. |
United States | The Big Lebowski promotes the idea that pajama pants can be worn throughout the day and are not clothing attire relegated to in home use, a mantra I attempt to live by whenever possible. I have been giving the nickname “The Dude” amongst my friends due to my resemblance to him in looks, clothing style and attitude. |
United States | Because of the rich characters, so artfully brought to life by phenomenal actors and a story that seems to be taken straight from somebody’s every day routine, even though it would be impossible to even remotely happen in real life. There’s also the whole thing about the rug bringing the room together… |
United States | Because Olga the ostrich said so after I took my pain medicine. Praise Bob! |
United States | It’s not just the inspired beer drinking games and marathon run throughs. It’s not just the music and majesty, the dancing and pagentry. It’s not just about the chinamen, Donnie shutting up, or waiting for that glimpse of Sam Elliot. It’s about a man…it’s about a man. |
United States | Because that rug really tied the film together! |
United States | Gratuitous use of the word fuck.
A mind limbering drug regimen depicted in detail. And a rug that really tied the room together. What else is needed? |
United States | It inspires dudeism. It helps people to better understand themselves and the world they coexsist in. It brings people together to find laughter and love. You watch that masterpiece and you realize that life is meant to be lived not dreaded. Not to mention white russians rule! |
Canada | I never got up for the bathroom, really I sat right through! |
United States | Provides a lens through which up and coming dudes can prime themselves for. And the life lesson of never messing with The Jesus. |
United States | Cherry blossoms drift
to earth in spring, but always does the dude abide. |
Norway | Because it rocks, man. |
United States | He is what we all want to be – happy with the simple things, funny and zen.
The Dude represents the human race, man! |
United States | The Big Lebowski is mainly a great film because of its quotability. There are so many lines that can be used in everyday life, such as “I am the Walrus”, “We’ll cut off your Johnson”, “Well, that’s like, totally your opinion man” and of course “Nobody fucks with Jesus”.
Secondly, The Big Lebowski is just a great guide for living a simple and entertaining life, even if it’s filled with very un-dude schemes and shenanigans. You know? |
United States | it has created a way of life for all of us to be just chill and dude. |
United States | The 1998 masterpiece, The Big Lebowski, is a great film for many, many reasons. It has some of the greatest, funniest people in show business both in front of and behind the camera. And damn is it a funny movie! Seriously, I can watch it over and over again at any time and laugh like I did the first time I watch it.
Plus it provided me with many quotes and ideals that I’ve worked into my own vernacular and life. |
United States | It’s the same reason I became a dudist. My wife just asked me the same thing earlier tonite. It just reaffirms what I believe. Just try to do the right things in life, don’t let the bullshit get to you and eventually everything works out. Usually not the way you had it planned but hey, what the fuck? Hand me another beer! |
United States | I think that the Big Lebowski is such a great film because it shows the granduer of such normal things, like if you got your car repo’d and it was to be used to rise Cthulhu from the sea. And it showed true friendship. How Walter hated Donny but the hate was really to overshadow the bromance between them. |
United States | It is a clean representation of Life, man! How Life should be, if this were really THE life, man! |
Canada | The Big Lebowski stand the test of time. It parallels the Godfather for relevance and guidance in every life situaltion.
For example, never be at a loss for words when someone says the most outrageous thing and you’re, like, too mellow to do some research. Always go to the Dude and your answer will be apparent. |
United States | Because Jeffrey was right… The RUG does tie EVERYTHING (in the universe) together… Man! |
Switzerland | Great story, great style, great soundtrack and the dude. what more do you have to say?
But for me it’s the easyness. After watching this movie there is no guilt in being lazy for some time. Oh and the movie introduced me to White Russian, my favorite drink now. |
United States | Because its crazy man! |
Canada | Two words — Jeff Bridges |
United States | Honestly,at this point, I’ve written so much about it (by the end of Summer ’98 I was already feeling a little burnt out), this will all be vague recollection, repetition
. . . I like the magnificent contradiction of these characters being very much of their time and place, and yet all in some ways anachronisms, obsolete and clinging to a perception of the world that has long since moved on. I like that, a couple years after ‘Fargo’, my favorite American filmmakers again pay homage to their favorite Kurosawa movie -‘High and Low’- by having two aspects of humanity, one down-and-in-&-outer dharma bum, and one on high-and-mighty meretricious human paraquat. Oh, and a kidnapping plot for ransom (sort of, this time the kidnapping part is more like the “ghost story” aspect of ‘Vertigo’.) And that Walter and the Dude play two aspects of the same character, one up tight and reactionary, the other half easygoing and -in his way- introspective (and a little woolgathering Donnie / Steve Buscemi, as third wheel and audience empathy figure, helps point out the whole complexity thing: “a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-yous.”)…and as a truism, the reality of everyday relationships and their developing (and elusive) quicksilver complexity, and how we chose to perceive and ride ride out that storm, is quite the whole dang point. “Fun with the very idea of complexity. Fun with the concrete and mountainous evidence of complexity. And one of the richest sources of fun, played off in the sharpest contrast to complexity, is the glorious spectrum of stupidity on exhibit”, as the feller said, that feller being the longhair critic Duncan Shepherd, who’s also from Minnesota, like the Coen’s. I love that, as in the best Hawks, Kurosawa, or Mamet (not marmot) movies, there is a roistering, contained yet invigoratingly strange and dangerous world to contend with, and we are invited to keep up or drop out along with the characters, never for a moment feeling above or ahead of them. We get a true sense of what friendship and teamwork means. The sociological and even psychosexual dynamics of it, but…. I’m rambling again. It’s an odessey not unlike their next picture, and the lines of homer are equally a propos: “Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end…” A journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. Remember the man who said that? Remember him? There are a dozen other men right now picking up where he left off. They’ll be remembered. So will you. To tie this rumination together, some random acronyms of similar Coen classics, as well as this particular great, great, great movie: O Brother, Where Art Thou? = A Hebrew Hero Root Truth Miller’s Crossing = Sings Crime, Rolls Intolerable Cruelty = Belittle a Crony Rule The Ladykillers = Earthly Skilled Fargo = A Frog Burn after Reading = Aberrant Rug Fiend The Big Lebowski = Bible Woke Sight — P.S.: Coen Brothers = Born To Cheers! |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a brilliant film because it combines elements of spy noir films of the Humphrey Bogart, Raymond Chandler sort with a kind of discontent spirit of modern times. It emphasizes the recent generation’s problems–namely, a lack of feeling, spirit, and togetherness as a result of God knows what, maybe because we haven’t got anything as righteous as love to fight for anymore, at least not in our hometowns, and not in as collected a way as the 1970s when my mom was thrilling the streets, maybe because the internet really has drawn us so far apart that we can’t find our own asses, let alone each other’s–and exaggerates them to the point of being beautiful as seen in the characters of the Dude, Walter, and Donnie (it’s even evident in Sam Elliot’s narration, God bless that man and his mustache). When people use humor in such a way, it gives us the capability to dispell our fears and gives us the momentum we need to crash the party and freak out the causes. VIVA LA REVOLUCION, VIVA LA DUDE, AND VIVA LA MUTHA-FUCKIN’ LEBOWSKI! |
United States | The Coen brothers’ appetite for hilarious one-liners and dialogue always gets me. The movie is just chock full of quotable lines I can use every day. Mainly-“Dude…” The Dude just takes everything in stride. |
United States | It’s hysterical and fun! The Dude is easily Jeff Bridges’ most memorable role, and I can watch this movie over and over without growing tired of it. |
United States | It’s very dude. |
United States | The Dude knows how to dress for taking it easy. |
United States | I never was a golfer until I grooved on this film. It’s like opened my mind, man. |
United States | The qoute ” Hey man, there’s a beverage here” I love white russians also. and I believe the philosophy of Chill, it has made the world a better place for sure, be good dudes |
Netherlands | It has great rythm! |
United States | Because, well you know, man, it’s just a great film! |
United States | Because I, like, identify with him, man. He lets the world flow around him. |
United States | It is all things dude, and the dude is all things….. |
United States | The Big Lebowski has made me honestly burst out laughing more than any movie I can think of at the moment. John Goodman is incredible…
Shit’s funny as fuck. What else can I say? |
United States | Because The Dude abides. It’s the characters. They’re wonderful. And who wouldn’t want to be The Dude? |
Poland | It’s about the meaning of life. Or something else, choose by yourself. |
Canada | Hey man, it’s a great movie because….well, it shows you how to obtain happiness, by following the teachings of the Dude! Peace |
United States | Dude, Dude , Dude….. dude i have to say more |
United States | I’m sorry I wasn’t listening. |
United States | First off, Bridges is the Dude. I met Jeff in Fargo North Dakota, whatever, he came down to the basement and grabbed a guitar and jammed with us for a bit. Then he wrote us a song in, like, five minutes. Then we ate, drank, partied, and relaxed, and everybody was cool. I bet I could sit down with the Dude today, and be cool and have a cocktail and just be real about it. That spirit is truly how / who / what is abiding. and it just like, bleeds, man, the truth just bleeds out of the movie. Irony wrapped in twisted juxtaposition to fate. Whatever, man, just send me my book. |
United States | In the word of The Stranger: “It’s good knowing He’s out there. The Dude. Takin’ her easy for all us sinners.” |
United States | Because it’s awesome. |
Canada | because it’s just so far-out, man…! |
United States | It speaks to the inner child in all of us that believes that ‘this cannot abide.’ |
United States | The Big Lebowski is excellent because it’s so laid back. It’s like, don’t worry about how this is going to end. The Dude abides. You can watch it over and over and love it each time and it makes you feel so calm. |
United States | It has the Dude. The Dude abides. The Dude is awesome. |
United States | If you have to ask… |
United States | Because he reminds me of my father, with more facial hair. My dad has lived most of his life high, unemployed and drinking White Russians. Only he was into basketball, not bowling. |
United States | Because I know nearly every character in that movie. |
United States | It’s really far out. |
United States | It is laid back and a great way to understand that it is down there somewhere if you can get another look. |
United States | It embraces the whole of dude-manity and cuddles under the wings of a flying she-bitch. And slops us with Black Russian optimism. |
United States | It contains many aspects of american culture and people can see parts of them in it. Their lazyness, asshole friends, love of bowling and white russians, the occasional acid flash back, and pure hatred of the fuckin’ Eagles. |
United States | Because it has everything !!! |
United States | A great cast, white russion, hooters,and a bitchin sound track!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
United States | Wow dude, I suppose that one could say that the movie The Big Lebowski was a great film for many reasons, but like I really think it reflects the way socity is just too wound up into too much crap. The more layed back approach is always the better road to take. |
United States | It’s funny, it’s subtle, it exposes the lives of those people who dare not to dream big. The dude abides, he lives to be comfortable and in harmony with his surroundings. He embodies the overlooked millions that just want to live peaceful happy lives. The people that provide infrastructure to society, the dishwashers, streetsweepers, and garbage men that go unnoticed but their simple existence provides the foundation for great feats of civilization. Lebowski is the guide to the simple life that most people live. |
United States | …you’ve fucking seen it, right? ;)
No, but seriously… as of late, when I watch it, I am particularly impressed with the way every single note of music is synched up perfectly with the film. Also, Brandt SLAYS ME!! :D |
United States | We all know someone like The Dude! |
United Kingdom | It’s a Swiss fuckin’ watch. |
Canada | Besides a great visual style, awesome cast, and a repertoire of quotes that can be applied to any situation??
The idea that you cant take life too seriously, and should just chill out once in a while! |
United States | A simple but great plot, great characters, humor, and script, and dudetastic acting. |
United States | Because it is, man. |
United States | I think it’s such a great film because every line of dialog is, like, nuggets of wisdom. Words to live by! |
United States | I love The Big Lebowski because it perfectly blends aggression and complacency, intellect and oblivion, reality and fantasy, and most of all, bowling and guns. |
United Kingdom | Dude,
do I even need to give a reason?… Weeelll if you really feel like you need one. The Big Lebowski as good as any White Russian, pretty fucking good. Besides how can a movie about a bunch of guys bowling and getting a rug sorted out be bad. Also Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, John Turturro and Flea. Abide with me. |
Canada | Nihilists. |
United States | the absolute absurdity creates an authentic believable realism |
United States | So many classic lines to recite, great characters and bowling! |
United States | This, is like, obsurd, man. The “film” is not the issue here. Why ask such a question? Blasphemy. And please “Religious Guide” is the prefered nomenclature. |
United States | The catch phrases, the acting, the story, and the directing make it one of the greatest cult films of all time. |
United States | If we all were a little more dude-like the world would be full of rainbows and sausages! |
United States | The film is not the issue here. Dudeism is bigger than a film, bigger than the Coen Brothers, and bigger than John Goodman’s plaid shirt. It’s our way of life! The movie is the best in the world, and the following is even better. |
United States | The Dude took everything in stride, never lost his cool never was cruel and always kept it easy going. |
Greece | Well, i think the Dude can teach all who have been graced by his performance to chill out and not hold a grudge, realise that we are all the same and love each other as Dudes! |
Germany | Because this film displays how The Dude is such an endorable being. He’s just totally relaxed to the bone. And thats all. |
Canada | It abides the worst of mankind…..and chill-axes!!!!
United States | It’s first of all funny as hell. The first time I watched it it was just plain hilarious. The second time I started noticing all of the greater meanings within. The 30th time I still found more meanings to this beautiful movie. Also, it taught me not to fuck with the Jesus. |
Germany | because no man has ever played a dude as well as Jeff Bridges did. also of course because the story is so twisted awesome. |
United States | I’m a huge Cohen Brothers fan to begin with. When The Big Lebowski came out, with perfect casting, a wonderful story based on a real person with a very low key lifestyle, and mind blowing artistic sequences, I became hooked on it more than any other film before it (and more than any film since).
I identify with The Dude. Pensive and mellow, “fuck it, man, let’s go bowling” outlook on life. Do as little as you have to do, but do what you want to do whenever you can, and don’t sweat the petty stuff – rather pet the sweaty stuff. Plus, Day of the Dude is on my Birthday – how can I not celebrate with a White Russian in my hand and some C.C.R. on my iPod? |
United States | You can’t teach Slack like that. |
United States | You can’t teach Slack like that. |
Italy | Minchia, those peppers. Forget about it! |
United States | It challenges all those who watch it to greater heights of spiritual, intellectual, and emotional development. |
United Kingdom | Because, man. It feels as comfortable as a robe and a pair of jellies. I know that I can sit down and watch it and feel good for the next coupla hours. |
United States | Script. The language just flows. It…abides. |
United States | Were all dudes aren’t we !! |
United States | Wow what a question. Where do I start. I guess at the beginning if I could remember where that was. I think tat most people can identify or identify with most of the characters. I’m sure that most people feel a connection with the dude and his, like, situation, man… |
United States | The Dude shows how when the world gets crazy, it is best to just ride the waves of life and relax. It’s OK. |
Norway | Great dialogue, and the Dude’s chillness is an inspiration to all human beings.
Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, my opinion, man. |
United States | It helps me pass the time while I abide. |
United States | It is a great movie because it is about a Dude just trying to abide the best he knows how and there is nothing wrong with that.
For me the movie symbolizes the hope for a rug that really ties the room together, a great white russian, and a love of bowling. No greater line will ever be uttered when life is just too much … “Fuck it Dude, let’s roll…” Words of wisdom; words to live by. |
United States | because deep down inside, some deeper than others, we all want to be The Dude. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a life guide. It teaches people how to live through stressful events while remaining chill and how to not concern oneself with with societal norms such as having a nuclear family, having a stable bank account, fashion norms, etc. It is about living the way that makes you happy, fuck the rest! The dude experiences life impartially, he does not judge and deals with his anxiety, loss, and stress in a positive, mellow manner. He does what so many people have not figured out how to do– to live in a way that makes him happy, not what society tells him will make him happy. He is independent, a rebel, and he is content. His relationships with others and himself is more positive than the relationships that most “normal” people have. He is a savior, and the Big Lebowski is a bible. |
United States | It brings people together! But that’s just, like, my opinion, man. |
United States | It really puts life into perspective for me |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski is an epic film, I live by it. Because I think that it’s secretly saying ‘fuck you’ to the rest of the world. |
United States | I do not want my full name or address used, but you may use my first name, last initial, and state if you wish.
For me, the message of The Big Lebowski is that mellow is better than most other alternatives. Be good to each other, enjoy life, abide and let others abide, too. Being a Dudeist reminds me to get back to that. I am an attorney and a mom, and I acknowledge that I tend to be a bit too uptight some of the time. Whenever I see a reference to The Big Lebowski or Dudeism, it puts me in touch with my inner dude. White Russians, bowling, nice rugs that really tie the room together, mellowness; these are all good things. |
United States | It just is, man. |
United States | Because of The Dude. That is all. |
United States | It’s just as hilarious to watch sober as it is to watch baked. |
United States | The Dude is the ultimate Observer of life. As information and events pass through him, he merely reflects them back, never altering his core being. He remains unchanged by all the changes around him, because he is simply the Dude, in totality, it’s all he can, nay needs, to be. The dude truly abides. |
India | smile when it hurts most |
United States | Because it really brings to light how everyone should live. Enjoy the simple things in life and when things get a little rough take er easy. Since I have watched this film I have enjoyed my own life a little bit more and had fun with everything I have partaken in whether by choice or not. |
United States | its a film more than a film it teaches a way of life that every man can follow. It can lower cholesterol high blood pressure and stress by doin what the dude does and just taken it easy. |
Bulgaria | Dude… it was simply epic. |
United States | It’s a great film because it always puts me in a better mood, no mattter how good or bad I feel before I watch it. |
United States | The big lebowski is by far my favorite film, I have original artwork and boxsets and all the action figures. The dude is such an amazing and zen like figure, I really hope they do make a sequel. |
United States | great lines, great acting, just a fantastic movie! |
United States | The Big Lebowski has an interesting, almost absurd plot, with intriguing characters and a fantastic script. |
United States | It’s a film about nothing. |
United States | Why? Why is the sky blue, man? It just…. IS. Now, you answer something for me. Where did I put my other jelly… I only have one on and my balance is all, like, whoa. |
United States | Well, Jeff Bridges is in it. Automatic great right there IMHO.
There is also the whole laid back dude vibe of it. White Russians, candlelit baths, bowling. Plus it’s just so freaking funny! And there’s that great carpet too. It really ties the room together if you know what I mean. |
United States | It speaks to me. I can never be the dude, but all of us want to be like that person at times. |
United States | The Dude character in this film is a roll model that lives his life in a way that could benefit most people in the world. He stays calm most of the time and doesn’t let things get him overly excited. Remaining calm can benefit a person both socially and medically… stress kills. Even when situations get out of hand and tempers flare, The Dude centers himself and moves on. It’s as though he accepts that things have happened/will happen, and that allows him to start looking passed it while others might still be freaking out. If we could all live like this, the world would be a much friendlier place. |
United States | The early bird may get the worm but who the fuck wants a worm. The Big Lebowski reminds me that as long as I am taking it easy I am being true to me…. |
Ireland | because it is |
United States | Because it is such an enlightening film, man. |
United States | Because, hey man, it just is. |
United States | Because The Dude helped write the Port Huron Statement, not the bullshit final version but the first draft. (Tip of the hat to Tom Hayden and the Students for a Democratic Society.) |
United States | “Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.” |
United States | The dude reminds us that nothing is worth getting too worked up about. He takes life with a “fuck it” approach knowing that all things will eventually work themselves out.
The spot on comedy and chemistry between Walter and the Dude is very refreshing. |
Canada | a true way of life …. to abide…. |
United States | The duality of the Psyche represented by the two Lebowskis is very far out. |
United States | What are you, a fucking park ranger now? |
United States | 1. There is not enough space here for all of the answers to this question.
2. There may not be enough capacity within the bounds of the internet for all of the answers to this question. 3. There may not be enough capacity within the realm of human understanding for all of the answers to that questions. |
United States | The Dude, man, it’s all about the Dude. |
Slovenia | People identify with The Dude or want to be like him. |
United States | because it is..
do you mind if I spark up? |
United Kingdom | Just so smooth man. |
United States | This movie is the quintessential film that proves you should always go about your business. To each his own man. |
United States | It’s more than a movie…it’s a way of life. |
Canada | Because it is a cinematic masterpiece. It’s hilarious, well written and original. Jeff Bridges and John Goodman are both brilliant in it. |
Tunisia | I consider The Big Lebowski one of the greatest, if not the greatest, movies because of it’s dreamy and surrealistic atmosphere. I particularly admire it’s sound track and the dream scenes which are done to perfection. |
United States | There is so much to notice and it is hilarious. |
United States | There’s not too much out there that’s worth getting your boxers in a wad. |
Canada | I refuse to answer this question because it might, like, implicate me in some kind of legalistic-type situation where…uh…my, like, personal integrity could be, like compromised. To use the parlance of our times. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a wonderful piece of art that brings together an interseting character set with completely offset dynamics (Walter vs. The dude, IE violent agressive behavor vs pacifism). Take that and wrap it up into a clever story with interesting twists and turns and you have an enjoyable masterpiece. Not to mention it is one of the most enjoyable movies to quote. |
Canada | It allows for the alter egos of us baby boomers to emerge. The dude is someone that we have always wanted to be but were too busy trying to impress som eone else. We can sit up and take notice on how useless materialism is and how something as simple as abiding can lead to and create positive change. The term “less is more” comes to mind. |
United Kingdom | Because, man, how could it not be? I mean, man, it really tied the proverbial room together, man. |
United States | It’s one of the most quotable movies I’ve seen, and the Dude’s laid back approach to life in the middle of the chaotic other characters in the movie makes for a great contrast. |
United States | It’s a way of life. |
United States | It’s really a spiritual movie all things considered. The Dude is really a prophet of sorts… |
United States | Funny from start to finish with great characters. |
United States | the actors involved and the passion they show. |
United States | Because you know…wow man…it’s great! |
Canada | The Dude is the dude! The world needs to lighten up and relax, and the Dude is the epitome of relaxation. He continues to share his message with the world through multiple viewings of this great movie. |
United States | It encapsulates the story of every man |
United States | It’s more than a film. It’s the way I think we all should approach life. Take her easy! |
United States | Even in the hairiest of situations the dude remains chill! Its a valueable lesson, more people should just take er easy!! |
United States | It ties the room together, man! |
United States | The Big Lebowski is funny, kind-hearted and laid back@ |
United States | the characters Bunny,Smoky,etc. where do they get their ideas from? It gets funnier every time I watch it. |
United States | It’s irrevernece, unique storyline, compelling, out- there, yet still believable characters and storylines. Not to mention the genius casting choices and fantastic directing. |
United States | Even a guy like the Dude can make a differance. He is truly a man of his time and place. |
United States | It ties the whole world together. |
United States | Dude, really? |
United States | It’s just simply amazing. Nobody fucks with with Jesus. The dude abides.. Nuff said. |
United States | Is there really a definition for greatness?
It just IS.. |
United States | Because it abides. |
Brazil | Because it’s so relaxing. It’s common people we could know, or be, living crazy things. How to chill in front of big trouble. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great movie because it shows that some of the worst things can fall upon even the most dudened of people, but as long as you stay positive and you have a little bit of creedence to jam to, everything will be alright in the end. |
United States | It just sort of, like, ties the whole thing together, man. |
United States | It has everything, great actors playing great characters. Things get weird, things get funny, and, yeah, something even blows up. It was a classic before it was even filmed. |
United States | Because it really ties the world together, man. |
United States | Dude, it’s funny and educational for ordained ministers of dudeism.. Plus Tara tied is nice to look at.. |
United States | John Goodman |
Argentina | La combinación de humor, sarcasmo, la perfecta caracterización de los estereotipos norteamericanos más la dirección de los Coen Bros + las actuaciones de sus protagonistas hacen que este film sea uno de mis favoritos. |
United States | The characters are unlike any that have ver been seen on the screen, yet we feel instantly comfortable with them |
Netherlands | Joel Coen makes great use of symbolism throughout the film. It gives us something to think about but only if you are looking for it. |
United States | There is no explanation, it just is. Don’t question it |
United States | Because like the rug that ties the room together, The Dude helps tie my life together…like yeah, man, yeah. Hey do you have any half and half? |
United Kingdom | it’s not just a movie, dude, it’s a way of life. |
United States | Sad to say, but I haven’t seen the film. |
Switzerland | Dude! The Great Lebowski is such a big film (or is that The Big Lebowski is such a great film) because it shows us the Way. Our lives on this sad planet are fleeting, and we know, down deep, that there is a deeper understanding buried within us that answers all the questions that …. uh.. you know…plague us and ….well,the film, you know…..ah ….besides being an excellent example of the craft of storytelling and of the film-maker’s art…. ah…. delves deep into the lives of us ordinary sinners and offers us…….ah…..I’m sorry, I lost track there…….. |
Italy | WHY NOT ? |
United States | Perfectly cinematography, story telling, and hilarity combine with the most quotable quits ever. |
United States | Well, like…it’s just my opinion, man. |
United States | Well. man, to use the parlance of our times, man, its a natural zesty enterprise with all kinds of s##t that comes to light – pornstar stepmoms, nihilists, special lady friends, marmots, uh, wait, what day is this, oh yeah, with a message, man, that aggression will not stand as long as we all abide, which really ties the whole film together, man. |
Iceland | Because we can celebrate it every year with Lebowski Fests. The Big Lebowski makes all kind of people come together, express their favorite quotes from the film, drink white russians and bowl. It’s a work of art from the Coen brothers. |
United States | It expresses the true art form that is chillness. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is not a great film but the best ever made movie. Its a guide book for life man. Take it easy. |
United States | Perfect casting, excellent acting. |
Turkey | Well…. You know.. It’s….It’s kindda…. My opinion man! |
Belgium | It isn’t a film. It’s a lesson in life, and that is what makes it great. Boys should watch it to ascend to manhood, and well, girls should do the same. But that’s like.. my opinion man. |
South Africa | Because the dude abides. |
United States | It’s hilarious and the characters are so fantastic. Perfectly cast. Great all around. |
United States | For me, all the elements of the film just flow together so beautifully. No one could have made this film except Joel and Ethan Coen. No one could have acted the film like each and every actor, no matter how big or small their role. Each note of the soundtrack makes complete sense where it is placed in a scene. |
Australia | Dude! |
United Kingdom | The unrelenting surrealism of events spiralling out of control is a genius counterpoint against The Dude’s calm and lassez-faire view of the world. It just goes to show that the most chilled of us can off days! |
United States | It made me realize and accept my inner dude. |
United States | I honestly have no idea why I love it so much. It just feel right. |
France | Simply the greatest film EVER. With marmot. |
Germany | It’s a really unique movie…The Story is unusual, the characters all sympathetic in their very own ways.
And Jeff Bridges simply IS the Dude, not just an actor portraying him…he already got me from the starting scene in the supermarket.. |
Italy | makes me feel better. duder. better. |
Greece | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because we all wanna live like the “DUDE”. Happy and content with everything, with just a drink and bowlling on our minds. |
United States | In a time when dry and subtle humor is lost on a mass audience very few of us still strive to find a movie that has humor without being an overt comedy. Mixed in with this comedy is a slice of real life (of sorts) that reminds us that not everyday is happy and sometimes we have to deal with tragedy between episodes of happiness. Ergo comedy and tragedy, the basis of life. |
United Kingdom | It has so many layers and no matter how many times I watch I always notice something new about it. |
South Africa | There’s nothing about this film that I can’t apply to my life to make me a better person! |
United States | I never thought about explaining my love for The Big Lebowski before. Ever since the first time I saw it and despite the criticisms of some who experienced it in a negative light, it just felt right. This movie got me through the rough spots in my life and helps me today in my capacity as a Dudeist priest to abide and aid others in their efforts. |
Belgium | because, uhm, kinda lost my train of thought here |
Norway | Dude just living the way he likes. And “Fuck it, Dude, let’s go bowling.” |
United States | It’s because of the Dude, man. He really ties the movie together. |
United States | it taught me to just say fuck it dude lets go bowling
i first saw it at age 12 in the theater with my dad uncle and 8 year old brother |
United Kingdom | The Big Lobowski is such a great film because it singlhandedly kickstarted a movement that could become the saviour of mankind. Err… Or if not, well, it gave us Dudes the will to Abide, and that cant be a bad thing. Umm, guess i`m losing my self a bit here. |
United States | No other film combines subjects such as Nihilism, ‘Nam and Ninepin bowling so brilliantly as The Big Lebowski. “Hey careful man there’s a beverage here!” |
United States | Because, well, you know, it’s just, like, my opinion, man. |
United States | It reminds us about what really matters: bubble baths, decent rugs, four bucks, a good-enough bowl, and a nice sarsaparilla. Be sure of yourself. Nothing else is 100% certain. |
United States | Hey man, Lebowski is a great flick because of the outstanding dialogue. So many movies nowadays have crappy, hastily written dialogue (e.g. Logjammin’). I can quote Lebowski in almost any any real life situation. |
United States | To me, it represents a truly whole ideology. In a crazy, messed up world, one can find comfort in the simplest things in life, whether it be in a bowling alley, a white russian, or a good bubble bath. The Dude is, and always will be, a fully enlightened persona.
But that’s just, like, my opinion man. |
United States | Well, that’s just like, my opinion dude. |
United States | It takes a host of big names and place them in characters that are out of the norm and pull off the gig. The film could not pick anyother people for the cast as whoever they might have could not play the characters with any justice as the resulting cast.
That confusing you yet. Just think this way “The cast abides, the cast abides” |
United States | Because it really ties the room together, man. |
United States | It encompasses the human struggle of money and peace, love and hate, art and math…..It touches the lives of all who take the time to watch and learn from the Dude. |
United States | Dialogue and characters. Those are two things that can make any great story. Plot will only take you so far, but plot with great characters and interactions between those characters will take you a lot further.
I love Lebowski the most because it reminds me of a Vonnegut novel and Vonnegut is like a father to me. I even named my son after him. |
United States | The Big Lebowski sows the seeds of belief – of eternal hope and faith in the Dude – that we each carry with us in the bottomless pockets of our bathrobes since birth. Fertilized with white Russians from the spotless lanes of heavenly clearwater bathtub revivals, the blossoms of achievers everywhere pave the ashy shores for those to come. |
United States | Why is a tree great? Why is a sunset great? It just is… |
United States | the dude’s relaxed state of mind. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a visually stimulating vehicle into the idyllic world of every man’s dreams. Enthralled by the awesomeness that is the Dude and empathized by the emotional just Walter, viewers of this film will undoubtedly feel vibrancy within their manhood and come to the epic realization that is the meaning of life: Dudeism. |
Canada | It’s not a great film….it’s the GREATEST film of all time. Enough said:) |
United States | TBL teaches others to accept all and to “just abide, man.” If everyone were to take a leaf outta that, the world would be a much better place. |
United States | Watching “The Big Lebowski” is what happens when you avoid fucking a stranger in the ass. |
United States | It’s all very, uh, complex. There’s a lot of strands, man. And yet, the dude abides. Despite the rug-pee’ers, the nihilists, the gold-brickers, the nymphos, the man in the black pajamas, reactionaries, marmots, pederasts… the dude is one with The Way, he fits right in there. I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that. |
United States | dude…………………………………………. |
United States | It proves that even an underachiever can accomplish more than mediocrity. |
United States | Fuck it dude, let’s roll… |
United States | wow yes nice movie |
Canada | Because The Dude, is such a dude |
Australia | Well it’s a darned good story. I really enjoyed meering The Dude. Like, I dunno man, um it’s just an opinion, you know?
Whatever. it’s cool. |
United States | The ultimate feel good movie- while generational sympathetic and likable feelings for our heroes, perhaps even identifying similar personality traits within our selves or friends – you just can’t help but think -that no matter how fucked up your own life may be-you’ve still got it together, compared to just about every character in the film- perhaps with the exception of our narrator who seems to have been granted a bit of Omni prescience anyway and may be angelic to boot. |
Mexico | Beacuse The Dude is the best, man! |
United States | The only reason The Dude is so upset in the movie is because everybody wants to harsh on The Dude’s mellow and wont listen to what’s really up. It’s an ironic story for the Dude in all of us, with a tasteful portion of humor on the side. |
United States | Jeff Bridges’ acting and the unique and hilarious screenplay. |
United States | It was a great cast, great writing, just all around great movie. Jeff Bridges at his best. |
United States | Inspiration people come from all walks of life, all countries. Thoreau, Gandhi, and Lebowski. We have so much to learn from each! |
United States | Well, it’s just like, my opinion, man. |
United States | The scene where Lebowski is being pushed/manhandled by a total stranger into the limo and all he’s worried about is his White Russian. Priorities! nuff’ said. |
United States | Because it abides, all the rest are meager conterfeits at abiding !!
~Bo~ |
United States | The Big Lebowski shows us that the world doesn’t have to be so cut-and-dry. Not everyone has to good or evil, there can be people who are just Dude. Also, the whole damn thing is shot in my home town. |
Canada | It’s really all things to all men |
United States | The Big Lebowski is the best film ever because it is the antidote to anger. You can’t get mad when you think about it or talk about or read about it, shit, even discuss it. Usually when someone doesn’t like your favorite movie you get mad but with Lebowski it’s just like, “ah well, that’s just, you know, their opinion, man.” When you watch this movie you may witness the Dude abiding but, you know what? turns out you abide in turn. Shomer Shabbos. |
Denmark | Sometimes there’s a movie which… well, it’s the movie for this time and place, it fits right in here- and this here movie, well.. is has got something, which has, for quite some time now, been able to make people come together, just to celebrate the perhaps simple… perhaps complex, ideals that is The Dude… |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film for several reasons. First, it has an underlying message that could help the world if only the world would abide by it. And that’s to take it easy. Second, it’s got a good story line. Third, it has Flea. Fourth, well, fuck it — there is no fourth that I can think of right now. |
Canada | because no other film has ever been made with such an impact on pop culture. no character as identifiable as “The Dude”. it has an amazing all-star cast. anything that breeds a religion AND a convention is easily a great,if not the greatest, film. |
United States | The message of just abiding is one that is much needed for this world of strife and anger. |
United States | Unlike most films, that attempt to prove a point or convey some moral, The Big Lebowski does what the Coen Brothers do best: it tells a story. A fantastic story at that. It’s a well-rounded film overall, with a brilliant soundtrack, lively dialog, and overall togetherness that sticks around after the fact. It also imparts a peaceful, easy feeling (despite the Dude hating the Eagles, it’s a good phrase), and just makes you feel alright. Take it easy. |
United States | Yea, well, that’s just your opinion man. |
United States | Because Lebowski shows us how we all should act and handle things. Cool, calm and collected-like. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Because it introduced me to Way of Dudeism and made me rethink my life and what i’ve been doing wrong so far. |
United States | There is way to much to say for me to even begin. The acting is top notch as well as the writing and dialogue of the whole movie. It’s just a great movie all around. |
United States | Dude. |
United States | It puts everything in perspective. |
United States | It is the film for its time and place, and shows you how one who can take’er easy for the rest of us. |
United States | Best Comedy ever. Perfect comedic timing, offbeat unpredictable plotline, endlessly quotable, even somewhat epic in scope of western-y noir-influenced unqiue goofiness. |
United States | The Big Lebowski inspires me to live a more laid back and fulfilling life. It makes me laugh a lot, and science has shown that laughing is healthy, therefore The Big Lebowski is good for you! |
United States | Dear Dude,
Although the Chinaman is not the issue, I think the linguistic aspects of the film are the most zesty and natural portions of this work. Certain portions of social studies have been validated by shit coming to light during this film, although I did earn a D in Social Studies in grade school. Bummer. [It’s a socially intriguing film through the witty use of cliches and language.] |
Denmark | it’s a great story – aboud the dude not doing everything I wanted to do. and still rolling! :D |
United States | It is inspiring, funny, abiding, toe-less, bowling, ransom ringer fun!!! |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film because it launched the Dudest Era. |
United States | Because it first introduced me to the way of the dude. |
United States | It’s the a great way to learn “the way.” |
United States | Please put this on your book and use my name too. The Cohen Brothers need to use me for a film soon. That is all. |
United States | I wrote a haiku for this fine movie.
Ten pins and a ball A couple of old soads Taking it easy |
United States | Uh, DUH! Cause I’m a rocking dude and so is the Big L!! |
United States | It’s the perfect recreation and parody of the classic film noir. |
United Kingdom | It achieves. |
United States | My second favorite noir film (The Big Sleep) with everything clicking along nicely. The story isn’t that important because you really just want to hang around people like this. |
United States | The U.S. is obsessed with work, success, image and essentially sacrificing your humanity for the what “society” says are marks of success.
The Dude, however, is a symbol that life does not revolve around these things. Life is nothing more than exchanging the short time you have with things that bring whatever joy or happiness is possible. The Dude gets pulled into the world that many of us have found ourselves in, however, he does not accept it as they way it should be. He simply tries to gain what he can from it. Throughout it all, he still remains The Dude and, as we all know, The Dude takes her easy. That’s a lesson we should all learn to avoid toiling our lives away in a sheetrock box, performing tasks you don’t truly care about and hoping that, one day, you’ll be able to have this or that. Some people have hopes so diminished that their greatest ambition is to get a sheetrock box with a window. The Dude needs no such things. Just a little half and half will suffice. |
United States | It sums up a nation and its people so perfectly in every way. Only those that abide care about other people and their positions in life, and try to make life a bit better for others in a small way. |
United Kingdom | Great acting, great characters, great dialogue, deceptively simple plot. It gets funnier everytime you watch it. The film creates an entire fantasy world whilst still being believable. The music is perfectly chosen and the Coens ear for dialogue stops it from spinning off into being just another quirky indy type comedy that annoys more than entertains.
Mainly though, there is a laugh out loud moment every four or five minutes. |
United States | why ask why? it just is. |
United States | Because my goal in life is to live it with a White Russian in one hand and a joint in the other. |
United States | The Dude is an inspiration to us all. |
United Kingdom | Lebowski achieves what few films even attempt in that it manages to be at once profoundly meaningful and funny, somehow managing to sustain this delicate balance to tell a story that is, all in all, effortlessly entertaining. Whether you watch it to relax, philosophise or psychoanalyse, you’ll get everything you’re looking for with more to spare. This movie really has everything. I struggle to pick my favourite thing about Lebowski because there is literally nothing I don’t like. The music comes to mind as the pitch-perfect glue to the experience, but how could I chose that over the perfection of Bridges’ and Goodman’s performances or the sheer brilliance of the Coen brother’s script, nuanced yet laugh-out-loud funny. One of the first things I will ask a new person is what they think of this movie. Either they loved it or haven’t seen it yet. Every time. I have a friend who vows to have watched Lebowski every year since his 14th birthday. It was talking about this film in my university interview that got me onto the course I’m now on. It continues to prove itself as a film of such great calibre through the countless people all over the world still glorify, and will continue to glorify, it. A film whose understated genius cannot be overstated. |
United States | it brought zen into the livingroom and made it approachable. you don’t have to agree with the gospel of dude, bowling or like white russians to see the value of a laid back lifestyle. take pleasures in the small things, and let the rest ride. definitely one of best movies ever made. |
United States | Cohen Bros + Jeff Bridges + Dylan + Film Noir. |
United Kingdom | It provides a heroic figure for slackers such as myself to look up to. Like The Dude, I find myself usually wearing some sort of comfortable over-garment, such as a large, fluffy green dressing gown, without regard for social norms. Occasionally, I am the subject of “strange looks” for wearing this style of clothing, and The Big Lebowski manages to make me feel a little better about my choice of apparel. |
United Kingdom | Actors, script, everything!
It just is, man. Steve |
United States | It teaches you how to just chill and abide. |
United States | The characters make the Big Lebowski. I love the story it is funny, quirky, and original. However, as I said earlier it is the characters, it is Walter pulling a pistol in the bowling alley, it is the Dude laying in the back seat of the cab bitching about the Eagles, and it is Donnie, who is like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know…
It’s a little bit about bowling, it’s bit about finding a cash machine, and it’s kind of about carpet pissers, but most of all it is about fun and laughs, and a few good friends and a strange adventure. No matter how many times I watch the Big Lebowski it is just as funny as the first time. It is a classic! |
United States | It came out of nowhere and went everywhere. The characters stay in your head for a long time and you just wonder, how did the Coen brothers come up with this? Then you realize it doesn’t matter, it’s here, it’s ours to have so quit stressing out about it already. |
United States | The story combines all the elements of a great story logos, ethos and pathos But most importantly Dudeos. |
United States | The Dude Abides.
That is all. |
United States | Walter Sobchak… that is all |
United States | It explores the human condition both as it is, and as it should be. |
Ireland | It’s like a fuckin’ instructional manual, man. Lighten up! |
United States | Dude it just is . Why cant you just let it love its life the way. Of wants . What were we talking about ? |
United Kingdom | Because it Abides man. |
United States | It shows the importance of not taking anything too seriously. Shit happens, and you gotta be able to just say, “fuck it dude, let’s go bowling” and move on |
United States | The Big Lebowski throws so many twists and turns of hilarity into seemingly straightforward situations. Everything is a f*#%in’ travesty, and it makes me laugh so hard… Plus, there’s bowling. |
India | The Big Lebowski is awesome coz it redefined ‘The Dude’ for everybody around. Before The Big Lebowski, there have been many great dudes, but this movie has been the ultimate Dudeist revolution starter. Many more years down the line, we would look back at it & would say, ” Dude, this was where history was created”. It is The Ultimate Dude guide….. |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because it taught me things I never would have found on my own. I am quite young, and I do try quite hard in my studies, but The Big Lebowski taught me that if I fail, OK. Just get back up and do it again. It taught me that Life does not need to be lived as if we were Robots. Relax, think about what’s going on around you, and ultimately, chill out, man. |
Argentina | Well that’s just my opinion you know. |
United States | The Dude is happy being who he is and taking life as it comes. He lives in the moment and in the end he’s not worried about living up to anybody else’s idea of ‘achievement.’ He sees the bizarreness of the world around him but doesn’t feel compelled to react to it. I had more to say but, well, it’s a lot of strands to keep in the dude’s head.
I also love the movie for the humor. My boss does, too – it’s probably the only place I could say ‘Nothing’s fucked here? The goddamn plane crashed into the mountain!’ at work and get away with it. |
United States | I really don’t know why The Big Lebowski is such a great film. I don’t think there is an exact reason. It just is. But that’s just like, uh, my opinion, man. |
Italy | Because is very zen… |
United States | well, that’s just, ya know, like, my opinion, man. |
United States | Because the Dude always abides. |
Italy | That movie really ties the room togheter |
Canada | Are you kidding or what? The Dude is everyman! Ergo, he has been in every major AND minor litterary and theatrical work (except a Greek tragedy) and nearly every movie. Thus it is with my enthusiasm throttled ‘way back I have to ask “Two Gentlemen of Verona? That’s all??” What about Loves’ Labours Lost? What about ________ (fill in favourite story here) They would all fit wouldn’t they? But that would be too childish and too greedy, the Dude can’t be everywhere. Let’s savour the spirit of the Dude and understand that this kind of genius comes along once. That’s why the Big Lebowski is such a great film. |
Spain | It´’s the most original film that I see |
United States | Lebowski is great because most everyone knows people in their own lives that are just like each of the characters in the movie.
And most of us know what it’s like to get swept up in a situation (or 2 or 3) that we have nothing to do with- except for a small commonality (like one’s name). Every time I see this film (10+ and counting), I see new interpretation possibilities in EVERY scene. It’s genius. I laugh until my cheeks hurt and my makeup runs from crying from laughing. And the Lebowski Fest that I attended in LA? Absolutely the nicest bunch of dudes in the city and more fun in 5 hours than in an entire year combined! I absolutely adore this film and those who “get” it! |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | It’s great because sometimes there is a man…. It’s great because the rug really tied the room together. It’s great because the Chinaman is not the issue here. It’s great because Walter is never wrong. It’s great because Donny is out of his element. It’s great because sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear, well… It’s great because Bunny will suck your cock for 1000 dollars. And if Brandt pays a 100, he can watch. It’s great because strong men also cry. It’s great because of Cynthia’s dog. It’s great because Smokey was over the line. It’s great because it is not ‘Nam, it is bowling, there are rules. It’s great because Walter is calmer than you are. It’s great because there are no funny stuff, ok? It’s great because the bums will always lose. It’s great because it’s a league game, Smokey. It’s great because Donny’s a walrus. It’s great because well….you know… that’s just like … your opinion…. man. It’s great because nobody fucks with the Jesus. It’s great because they’re just a bunch of fucking amateurs. It’s great because they got 4 more detectives working on the case. They got ’em workin in shifts. It’s great because Jesus would have fucked you in the ass Saturday. He fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead. It’s great because the doctor is a good man. And thorough. It’s great because the Dude abides. It’s great because… ah fuck it, let’s go bowlin’. |
United States | It really brings my movie collection together, man |
United States | It’s a true reflection of certain people’s lifestyles in LA. I grew up there and can honestly say that I know someone like most of the people in that movie. I embrace the Dude and the Take it Easy lifestyle as much as possible…all thanks to the Big L! |
France | There are many reasons why the Big Lebowski is such a great film, way too many to go into now at this particular point in time – suffice to say it is outstanding. Contact me if you want me to elaborate :) |
United States | “Fuck it.” is my answer. It’s my answer for everything. I’m going to tattoo it on my forehead. |
United States | Because life in all its honesty is absurd and bowling is a divine pursuit. |
United States | Here are five reasons, though there are many more (not necessarily in order):
1. Jeff Bridges is HOT! 2. Great Camera-ing 3. John Goodman 4. Ashes in the beard 5. The Coens are freaking geniuses. |
United States | I think it is such a great film because, I think that the world would be a nicer place if a lot more people were like the Dude. |
United States | A. It is the “shit”. To use the parlance or our time.
B. It connects with a generation of wanna be loners and grifters who have been bamboozled into college degrees and minivans. C. The cast is phenomenal. D. The more you watch the more new things you find about the plot line and characters mentalities. E. Jeff Bridges was born for this part. F. Try to show me another movie that is anything like it. I dare you. G. It is the “shit”. And by shit I mean, the bee’s knees, cat’s pajamas, awesomsauce 5000, the Goodman to our Bridges, and fan-friggin-tastic. But you know, that’s just like… my opinion man… P.S. if every entry doesn’t end with that line I feel the entrant should not be eligible for the prize. Just how I feel about the whole thing. |
United States | Because it brought awareness of The Dude to the people. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a fantastic film on many different levels. The ‘Dude’ is such a great character. He is casual to the highest degree…no job, no wife, drinks, and smokes. He is a loser, but satisfied with his place in society. The dude is highly intelligent, yet aloof. He cherishes his friends. All this and more makes Jeffrey Lebowski, The Dude, my hero.
The relationships between the characters is written brilliantly. I look forward to the Dude’s first meeting with Maude at every viewing. The quibbling with Walter and Donny…classic. The ‘toe’ conversation in the diner is unbeatable. There isn’t enough i can say about ‘The Big Lebowski’. Well, actually, I’ve said too much. The Dude would not approve. |
United States | Jeff Bridges is an awesome actor, also, white Russians are delicious. :) |
United States | I think it’s modern man’s epic. The story of a man who just keeps doing what it seems like he should be doing in whatever situation he finds himself. |
United States | because the dude shows us the way |
United States | The Big Lebowski is deep, man. A lot of facets and what have you. It celebrates the foibles of man- a dissection of human behavior, you know? It is a social commentary; the ins and outs of individual codes of honor and corruption with a healthy dose of White Russians. And bowling. Not to mention the most important tenet of good design. It’s abidingly hilarious, too. That’s just my opinion, man. |
United States | Because the dude abides |
Turkey | It’s all about the characters. |
Ireland | The Big Lebowski is just………………..awesome. Everything from The Dude to the rug are immense. Really am too laid back to write any more so I’m going to sit back, relax and enjoy the awesomeness that is The Big Lebowski. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film for many reasons (Bridges, Coens, Goodman, the legend of the Dowd, etc.). But the main draw, I believe, is the depiction of a man who is willing to shirk the expectations of all others in order to find his own path to happiness and fulfillment, even if that path defies the traditional boundaries of greater society.
The wheelchair-bound Lebowski, the one living in a nest of lies and unhappiness, is the anti-Dude. He’s what The Dude would be if he wasn’t so Dude. Naturally, the anti-Dude resents and fears Dude because of what he has been able to attain despite being a classic slacker. Dude doesn’t need to know what day it is. Naming the days is for those on a different path. I could go on about the acting, directing, writing, cinematography, sound, and more–but all of those things wouldn’t have created such a great film and loyal following without The Dude just being Dude. –Matt Stalter, humble clergyman from The Church of the Latter-Day Dude |
United States | In this age of excellent production quality, stunning visual effects, and plots, it’s a refreshing change to see something without any of that hooey. No real beginning, no real end, just an overarching message that you shouldn’t take any of this too seriously. That’s what I call entertainment. |
United States | – It is a Coen brothers film which, with th exception of the Lady Killers and A Serious Man, have all been AMAZING.
– It has 4 of my top 10 favorite actors in it: Jeff Bridges, Steve Buscemi, John Turturro and John Goodman – It also has some great cameo |
United Kingdom | Because it ROLLS, man. |
United States | Dudes abide! Flash back to the days of yester year when every action did not require an analysis of future repercussions. |
Estonia | I watched the movie like hundred times, and still it would be a delight watching it once again. Dude, to be honest the movie doesn’t have a serious story but still there is something in there that is tempting, it is a true joy watching it once again and again. |
United States | Because on some level, we are all the Dude. |
United States | Because the Dude abides. |
United States | When the Dude is recognized in the World, Undudeness is seen everywhere;
When Pacifism is hidden behind aggression will go unchecked. Am I wrong? |
Ukraine | The Big Lebovski makes me smile while recognizing my own features in its charachters… |
United States | Well that’s just, like, my opinion, man. |
United States | shomer fucking shabbas, man. |
United States | Simple, The Dude Abides. |
United States | It proves the cosmic wisdom of taking it easy. Tricky plans just go haywire; you’ll roll better when you go with the flow. Who needs aggressive action? Aim for strikes, sure, but spares are ok, too. Even a gutter ball is nothing to get hung up about. Keep a good beverage handy, a moderately clean rug ready for naps on the floor, and life is good. |
United States | In a word … “timeless”. |
United States | Great film the greatest film ever what other moive has started a movment and a religion, come on no brainer greates film ever made. |
United States | The Big Lebowski, besides being hilarious and having some of the most real (and unreal circumstances) in Hollywood, suggests one of the most revolutionary ideas of the last century: just abide, man. The comfort that Sam Elliot takes in the fact that the Dude abides is the same comfort that I take in this movie, every time I watch it. |
United Kingdom | Because it’s an excellent take on the hard-boiled detective film. Intrigue, adventure, and bowling, set in 90’s ray-gun gothic California.
Far out. |
United States | The dude, a new archetype. |
Sweden | I taught me everything I know. EVERYTHING! |
United States | It’s not just a movie. It’s like, a way of life, man. |
United States | It has everything: humor, sex, violence, action, great music, incredible actors, great questions about life, and nihilists. |
United States | Because the rug really tied the room together. |
United States | What an original idea put forth in a time of lame ass shit out there. A guy who just wants a peaceful existence doing what he likes with his friends. Dragged into a situation he really wants nothing to do with, but does his best to get through it and get his rug back. All he wants is his rug…it ties the room together. An all time classic, and one of my favorite movies ever. |
United Kingdom | Obviously you’re not a golfer? |
United States | Why not…Man….. |
United States | It represents all dudes! |
United States | it abides |
Ireland | Because the dude abides. |
United States | It had everything you could want in a film. Great plot, great acting. Sex, death, drama, hilarity, drugs, booze. A story everyone can relate to in one way or another. |
United Kingdom | dude, i never said it was.
or did I? |
United States | Obviously, you’re not a golfer. |
United States | because its based on a true story |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film because of how it shows us that by abiding we will get through life no matter if there are nihlists with marmots coming after you or getting drugged by porn producers. This of corse is not to take away from the comedy of the whole movie. |
United States | it has true meaning for all eternity. it provides a significant glimpse into the history of the world and what makes humankind unique(other than opposable thumbs). it also provides a secret roadmap for those who know how to interpret signs. plus, it’s good even for those who are straight when they watch it. |
United States | Because it embodies the way I want to live my life. Relaxed, and care free- even when shit hits the fan the Dude acts accordingly. “That’s a bummer, man” |
United States | The sign of a good film is that the viewer can watch it a few times, enjoying it more each time. The sign of a great film is that the viewer can recite it, from memory, at any given moment to the pleasure (or chagrin) of those around them. That’s marvelous. |
United States | Because the Dude abides, man! I wish we could all be so chill, and slough around, slurpin’ on white russians while bowling. Though I’d have to say Walter needs to calm down. He needs to learn how to chill and relax. Hand him another white russian, take away his gun, and get rid of that froo froo dog from his ex and find him a nice rug. That’s what he needs, man. |
United Kingdom | Because, apart from the brilliant humour, great cinematography and acting, it promotes an amazing life philosophy, which makes the “central dogma” of Dudeism. I would summarize it with these simple words: take it easy! |
United States | Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. |
United States | Jeff is the Dude , just as Danny Devito is Louie Depalma , casting is everything |
United States | The best movie quotes since Pulp Fiction combined with brilliant performances by the principals. |
United States | Bro I never saw the movie I’m actually curious and I mean I don’t now I’m just chilling your dudeness so peace out man its breakfast time for sure. |
United States | Life is gutters and strikes. It is how you react to life. Do you pull a gun and risk league officials phoning you perhaps on Shabbas or do you mark it 8? Doing a jay, having a White Russian, and listening to Creedence always helps puts things into perspective but not the Eagles. |
United States | Because of the rug man, it’s all about the rug. |
South Africa | The Big Lebowski is awesome because it presents us with a solution to the greed-mongering, stress-filled life we all seem dead set on pursuing in the modern age. While the character of ‘The Dude’ might, at first glance, appear to be an anachronistic cartoon character, but once you scratch the surface, you realise this is truly a man for our time and place. How many of us haven’t heard ‘The Dude’s’ voice in our heads telling us to ‘take it easy man’? It lies at the heart of a great philosophy, and one that we should all take heed of.
For reminding us of that alone, The Big Lebowski can be considered great. |
Italy | it’s fantastic and magnific film!!!!! |
United States | Because you finally learn what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps, dude. |
United States | It Show Real Life Drama And Just Plain Simple Everyday Things That Go On In Life Just Plain Fucking Fantastic |
United Kingdom | It’s all things to all men. |
Sweden | it shows the Utopian way of how people would like to live, if they could! |
United Kingdom | It just is, dude. |
Ukraine | Because it learn to take it all easy. |
Germany | Great images, great actors and great dialogues.
Thank Dude for movies like this. *g* gwennie. |
United Kingdom | the most therapeutic film ever, especially if you’re as lazy as the dude. |
Finland | The awesomeness of The greatest character ever created on film: The Dude.
Plus every single word said on the film just simply rocks. |
Netherlands | That is just my opinion. Man. |
Italy | As contain a simple life philosophy, riding the downstream river, the encounters of caracters and contingencies, the good and bad, relations an affects, the fight toward nihilism (ahahaha), the all thru the glasses of great parodistic humor of the Coens.
You can always use quotes on the everyday life and meet someone that is very Walterish, very Maudeish and so on, or even give a “Good night, sweet prince”. |
New Zealand | Jeff Bridges, hands down, Jeff Bridges |
Canada | First off he is the “DUDE”!! ok man
He lives life and tries not to let the “world” influance what he does. This is what we ll should do. Sure society may fall apart but why should you or I work our asses off to keep it together. And if some one pisses on your rug, Dam straight you should piss on theirs or take it in compansation! Chill out man have a drink Be the ball not the pins |
Belgium | Dude, asking that kind of question would be enough to make me lose my vibe, here. Chill out, have another look at it, and see for yourself… it’s a personal experience, you know… |
United States | One of my favorites, a perfect mix of great writing, witty dialog and and a unique class of characters that anyone can relate with. Plus a naked Julianne Moore- I want to be The Dude! |
Norway | The Big Lebowski takes you on the trip off mishaps and misunderstaning supportet by strong actors such as Jeff Bridges, who plays an unbelievable cool and laidback dude, who just wants someone to pay for his rug after some goon pissed on it. And then you have the fabolous John Goodman with his short temper, he brings us into the mind of a man who thinks he knows what must be done, and takes the dude on a wild ride. And then last but not least we have the neurotic character Theodore Donald ‘Donny’ Kerabatsos played by Steve Buscemi, this guy is the glue off the gang, hes the paranoid but reasonable man who keeps the gang thinking somewhat straight. And we cant leave without mentioning the great game off bowling where they make contact with the fantastic and underrated character of them all, JESUS. Well if you havent watched big lebowski and heard the beautiful tune by Kenny Rogers & The First Edition called I just dropped in while The Dude is in the most won derful place of his life, then you most certainly have missed out!
Peter P. Simonsen “You see what happens, you see what happens when you fuck a grown man in the ass!” John Goodman – The Big Lebowski. |
United States | It’s the hipster attitude man. I’m probably more Lebowski than any of my 225 neighbors (except “Broke Jerry” – but he’s too poor to even smoke and drink so he doesn’t count). |
United States | It shows how to just take things as they come and not to get too knocked out of your groove. |
United States | The sheer ridiculousness of the situation. Basically a bum and his friends get into a series of events that get weirder and weirder as the movie goes on, and the dude tries to take it all in stride and do the right thing, but it keeps going wrong. |
United States | The Big Lebowski, specifically, the Dude provides us with a simple blueprint for living: You can have a laid-back attitude, but demand dignity and respect. |
Australia | Film!?, The Big Lebowski is a lifestyle!. I know there is a lot of ins and outs… a lot of strands in old Dudisms head…but please. ;) |
United States | It show that not matter how bad things may seem everything can be solved with a good game of bowling. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is not only a vehicle for laughs, but also a catalyst to induce self reflection and a reminder to just let shit be. The world is always spinning around us. We just need to relax and let ‘er spin. Why sweat the small stuff? You never know when someone’s gonna come along and piss on your rug. |
United States | A romp thru the Id, ego and superego. Steve Buscemi natch. Goodman and Bridges in two of their best roles |
Canada | It’s a great film because it’s a great film, man.
Simple as that. |
United States | It’s got like the best of all the world in it, man. It’s got rich dudes getting their commuppance, it’s got hot chicks, it’s got bowling, it’s got some danger, you know, like, the fuckin’ world has it’s danger and stuff and, man, ya just gotta deal with it, man. That’s what it’s all about man, just dealin’ with it all man. You can’t get all tense about stuff, man, it’ll kill you. If, like, Donny could have been a little more loose and stuff he’d still be rollin’ with the Dude and Walter. But I’m sure he’s still rollin’ with the saints or whatever. I try to think he is when I hear the thunder, man. Anyway, it’s a great movie and I hope all the uptight motherfuckers in the world watch it at least once and maybe reflect on it man. That’s all I’ve got to say. |
United States | because its the Dude ,dude |
United States | It is a movie filled with great actors and great music. Its highly quotable and quite honestly I’m heavy set short tempered bowler who likes guns, and my best friend… well he is the dude. Now all we need is a Donny. Ahhh Fuck it dude, lets go bowling. |
United States | cuz it is about bowling…duh.. |
United States | Being surrounded by uptight people as I am the Dude and the Big Lebowski offer me an escape as well as a road map to take er easy and abide when the douche bags and dicks close in on my otherwise laid back demeanor. Dude What Thou Wilt! |
United States | Hey Man, in order to select what country I am from – The U.S. of A., I had to scroll down all the way to the very bottom! United States was practically last, man, and there was effort involve, if you catch my drift.
Anyhow, oh yeah – sorry – I lost my train of thought for a moment. So, Lebowski. The Dude. Listen, I’ve seen it, dozens of times? Hundreds of times? I don’t have that many fingers. I don’t want any more from Walter, man, ’cause that part freaks me out. When I was in ‘Nam they were doing shit like that man, and it really puts me in a bad way. So, the movie. What can I say? The screenplay. El Lingo Cinematico. It’s par excellence. Man, it’s like I don’t know what the Coen’s were smoking when they wrote that shit, but can I have some of that please? Oh yeah, and I sometimes wish that Bunny would suck my cock (you can’t watch, man). I like Creedence, man. I don’t know about the Eagles, and nothing against Don Henley, but I must abide by The Dude on that one. You know, I loved the bowling scenes. L-e-n-i-n and L-e-n-n-o-n – I am the Walrus. Donny. Fantastic. Throwing the dirty undies over in the bag, man. The Folger’s coffee and the cremation grounds. Man, why does the wind blow in your face by the ocean all the time? It’s a bummer, especially when that kind of shit happens… Am I rambling? Shucks. I am rambling again. Listen. I dig you guys. I dig what you do. Lebowski is Lebowski. It’s like Marlon Brando. No one like him and no one like it. It’s a true original – not sure if I can say that, as that might be a double positive or something. Ok. Thanks for listening… Far out, Man. Far out. |
Canada | Sometimes there’s a movie – I won’t say an Oscar cause what’s an Oscar? But sometimes there’s a movie. And I’m talkin’ about The Big Lebowski here. Sometimes there’s a movie that’s fit for its time ‘n place, it fits right in there. Wal, I lost m’train of thought here. But – aw hell, I done innerduced it enough. |
United States | Despite the humor and the obvious one liners that most likely can cover any situation or predicament. The Dude embodies a life style that should be one that strive for. But that’s just like my opinion man. |
United States | It is open to multiple interpretations or no interpretation at all. It can be experienced, but also lived. |
United States | It reminds me that, in this hectic world we live in, I need to take it easy. Also, it’s friggin’ hilarious. |
United States | Because it abides.
And by that, at the risk of rambling on, I mean to say it is a brilliant capture of of the human spirit in its many facets… greed, sexuality, restfulness and inner peace, law and order, complex problem solving, and patience of 8-year-olds. We see these things in real life, every day, in one form or another. The film distills the American experience down to a few thousand frames of celluloid, and gives us a common context in which to share our basic humanity on a level playing field. Assuming we don’t go over the line. – Chris |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a very special film to me, not only because almost everything the Coens touch is gold but it was my wife and my first date.
The Dude is the proverbial duck while the ‘water’ of the troubles of the world just wash off his back. There are so many memorable quotes that can apply to life. Being a fellow Jew, I love Walter’s statement in regards to “Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax”. |
United States | so many diofferent layers and different aspects. Coen Brothers at their top – 2nd only to “Oh, Brother…” in terms of witty, sharp and clever story, pacing and dialog. GREAT performances from everyone, starting with Bridges, Goodman, Boschemi (sp?) and, the best, Seymor-Hoffman. The whole concept of “The Dude” and his approach is brilliant, and well capsulated with Sam Elliott! Touching on over indulgence, trophy wives, porn, bowling, anihilism… OK, what ISN’T touched on!?!…
A film that one can watch over and over for shear enjoyment, but also get more out of with further viewings… |
United States | Bridges + Coen = Nirvana |
United States | Simply put, The Big Lebowski is a good time. |
United States | cause its just a, ya know, its a. . . The Big Lebowski is just. you know what I’m trying to say here.
New shit has come to light and uhh. . It speaks for its self, did that thought ever occur to you man, sir? |
United States | The DUDE!!! |
Canada | The cast. What a fabulous bunch of actors to throw together on flick. With others in those parts the movie would not have been nearly as good. |
United States | It embodies the true spirit of taking it easy, and if the world followed the example of the Dude it would be a much better place. |
United States | the dude abides |
United States | The Big Lebowski stands as a hallmark of film making, but more importantly it serves as a guide for those who strive for social harmony. The Dude is a man who takes it easy, and passes no unfair judgment due to the deep rooted prejudices many people don’t even realize they hold. Perhaps if we all followed the example of the wise Dude, the Earth could unite under the Human banner and throw aside outdated notions of nationalism and seclusion. All the Dude asks is that he be allowed to go his own way, and that no man, great or small, take it upon himself to piss on anyone’s rug. If we simply flow with the situations we are dealt and look to make allies instead of enemies, we too can always come out on top. We have no control over so many aspects of our short lives, and if we accept this and work to make every situation a good situation, each and every individual can feel both important in their own lives and more respectful to their fellow human beings. The Big Lebowski presents it’s viewers with a charismatic man who feels no need to adopt the age old stereotypes which so many feel are necessary to be a strong man. The Dude is steady in his beliefs, but feels no need to shower them on others; they can have their opinions….man. The Dude went tit for tat with business tycoons, sword toting nihilists, the chief of police of Malibu, and even that little asshole, Larry, all the while preaching pacifism and his own special brand of spirituality. The next time you’re faced with what seem like insurmountable problems, simply envision the Dude, throw on some Credence, and maybe burn down a J. |
United States | Well, you know, it is like the Tao of Dude and it’s like the way we abide each other when bowling or in all other human endeavors and shit. As I study Dudeism and apply it to my every day life I understand life isn’t just about “mark it eight, Dude” but instead is about the existential nature of our fucking existence, you know. I myself have become a nudist Dudeist in an effort to spread his ideals to folks without pants. I have an artistic nature and have applied Dude’s rules to expanding my talents as well as picking up women in my own humble way.
Sincerely, Rudy, the cutest flutist nudist dudeist on the planet. |
Italy | Because it reminds me that everything is gonna be exactly how it should, in the end. |
United States | There are other films? |
United States | The dude. Hands down. |
United States | That’s, like, my opinion, Dude |
United States | Because it taught me to just take it easy… enjoy life… and refer to beer as “oat soda” and White Russians as “caucasians”. It probably saved me from an early death at the hands of stress and or a heart attack… I figure I’ve tacked like three extra years on since first watching it. For that, my wife and I thank everyone associated with it! |
Australia | Cause that’s just like um, your opinion, man. |
United States | Two words: Jeff Bridges. |
United States | It’s one hell of a caucasian, Jackie. |
United States | im dude therefore i am |
United States | Is it great acting? Is that what makes a film? Or great directors? Both? Sure, the acting and the directing helped, but no one has has centered a religion around Casablanca, so that can’t be all there is to it.
I think The Big Lebowski is a great film because it takes ideas that have been around for awhile, well hold on; not just ideas, but ideas people feel are right, while not having them stuffed down their throats (ideas that aren’t mainstream, but strong enough to survive), and it depicts an unlikely “hero” (with quotation marks because what’s a hero?) who guides the audience along with these ideas and applies them to social figures: People we are familiar with, figures who have become ingrained in our society. End result? A message people happily receive without the prodding of having their face dunked in a toilet or their car killed. And, who doesn’t like a message that gives the green light to take ‘er easy? |
United States | The humor alone is what makes it a classic!!! |
United States | Dude! Asking a question like that is like asking why the sun comes up in the morning, man! This movie changed my whole preception on the rug in my living room. |
United States | The subtle, intelligent level of comedy is a true rarity in the film industry today. The spreading of the ashes scene is undoubtedly one of the best cinematic moments in history.
The Dude will be recorded as one of the coolest movie characters ever, hands down. |
United States | The Coen Brothers have always turned out great stuff, usually “mixers,” where two seemingly unrelated genres or character types can meet together in amazing ways. In “Fargo,” for instance, the classic film-noir style detective story meets a female hero and a sleepy backwater Midwest town. In “The Big Lebowski,” we see a heist story gone wrong, a cast of characters with incredible depth, and one of my favorite things of all time, Zen bowling. And even with all this incredible genre-breaking material, the Coen brothers refuse to take it seriously. It’s an absolutely wonderful film. |
United States | Because the Dude is the kind of person whose relaxed attitude and ability to remain cool under pressure, we should all try to embody. And it’s fucking hilarious. |
United States | It has truly withstood the test of time. And it has The Dude. |
Canada | It is a baby of great parents. It rocks on many levels, so it could be watched several times. |
United Kingdom | Its shows the philosophy for life.
Relax & take it easy, just keep breathing |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because the characters are iconic and quotable. The Dude and his philosophy are embracable. |
United States | abidum ad infinitum |
United States | Far out. |
United States | Because the Dude abides |
United States | As films go, The Big Lebowski is a statement first to the creative talents of those involved. Making events so seemingly insignificant seem deeply significant, and in turn making a movie overtly about nothing, yet still meaningful |
United States | It is a version of how a great man can live his life and be free. |
United States | It achieves on so many levels !! |
United States | Two Words: Kris Elliot |
United States | It gave the world THE DUDE! Everlasting, Amen! |
United States | The Directors. |
United States | It an insperation to do what you want to do, when you want to do it and where you can do it.
For an added bonus I will be relaxing Mar 6th from partying down at the Grand Funk Rail Road concert, the before. |
United Kingdom | We’re rooting for characters that we probably wouldn’t mix with in real life. The film is my one my all time favourites and always will be. The situations, the scenes, the one-liners, the slick production and of course the excellent characters played by superb actors. Thank god the Big Lebowski was created, it makes everyone who watches it happy and belly laugh. |
United States | The dude is a shining example of how the world should just say fuck it to its problems and just go bowling, or whatever you do man. Under the one exception when your dealing with a rug cause it really tied the room together. |
United States | Its an epic odyssey that in the end teaches one to just take it easy. |
United States | It’s full of great lessons on how to live life, funny, and just an all around a great movie. |
United States | Sometimes there’s a film . . . A masterpiece of humor, of western civilization, of visual, sound, and intellectual delight . . . That’s THE film for its time and place, and fits right in there. |
United Kingdom | The Dude is my brother and Walter is my father! My father’s middle name actually was Walter (and he was a nut job too) and my brother actually goes by the nickname “The Dude” and they also used to bowl together :) |
United States | It’s all about the attitude. Take it easy man. |
Finland | It became my favourite immediately, when I saw it over ten years ago. At first, it was all about laughs and it gave me the hankering of drinking lots of white russians. I’ve watched it countless times, most often with myself, but I think it’s one of the best buddy films ever made and it should be consumed with friends who enjoy and understand the humour. Everything is in it’s place in the film. The characters are so lovable, all of them! It’s very comforting to know that Dude exists. |
United States | The Sum is greater than its parts…..plus it respects “the beverage” |
United States | The Coen Brothers write ingenious dialogue. |
United Kingdom | It is totally Dude. Best film ever. Ever. |
United States | i think The Big Lebowski is a great film because it has everything a movie needs and it also portrays someone who can inspire us to live a much easier life with less cares in the world unless our rug is urinated on, in which case we will go to the source of the problem and steal another rug. |
United States | The dude just wanted to abide and got mixed up in crazy situations, including Donny being out of his element and the nihilists. Plus what’s better than Ralphs and In-N-Out?! |
United States | The Dude embodies the ideals that most everyone strives for on a base level. The ability to pass through life on their own terms, and well, just abide. |
United States | It’s indescribable. Any attempt would destroy the essence of what makes it so awesome. It just IS. |
United States | The film is a cross-gender and cross cultural event. There is a message insidefor everyone, male, female, gay, shamus, sports enthusiast, burger lovers, even morticians.
It is a simple story. A story of one mans quest to find his “Holy Grail”, his rug, which will tie his room together, and hence his life. He is supported by his loyal friends and listeners, and deals with turmoil along the way, yet never loses sight of his vision. He doesn’t get csught up in the small things of life. Sometimes he eats the ‘bar’, sometimes, well, the ‘bar’ eats him. |
United States | The Dude abides. |
United States | A great story about taking the easy road of life. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great fil for the fact that it speaks to all kinds of people. The Dude, while not everyone’s favourite person, is on a simple quest to set things to rights the only way he knows how: by abiding. |
United States | It offers a slice of life that is typically unshown in Hollywood. A cinematic thumb in the eye of the major producers who feel that reiterating and copying past successes is the pinnacle of creativity. |
United States | Because it’s fucking awesome. |
United States | I dunno, man. There are a lotta ins, lotta outs. That’s a really complicated question. |
United States | IMHO it is a wonderfully scripted film about what ‘could’ actually happen to any one of us on any given day…to a certain extent…. |
United States | Righteous wisdom, dude. What more could we ask for in life, or in film? |
United States | Because it is perfectly casted |
United States | Because, like “The Godfather,” I can apply at least 40% of the dialogue directly in daily conversation (without so much of the socially unacceptable violence “The Godfather” contains). |
United Kingdom | It’s mixture of engrossing visual scenes, the strength of the film’s dialogue (particularly the scenes including Dude and Walter’s insane conversations), and the depth of the story make it by far the most flawless film ever made. And that’s without delving into the performances.
It is pure perfection. I abide! |
United States | Dude, if I have to tell you, I’d have to kill you. Where’s my rug? |
United States | Because the dude abides, and I abide with dudeism!
The rug ties the whole film together man. |
United States | The Dude Abides Man! |
United States | Because it resonates with slackers everywhere, of every age and every persuasion. They all share the love of bowling, White Russians, and rooms that are tied together with just the perfect rug. |
United States | It’s fucking awesome. |
United Kingdom | I just dug the dude, he is what every man should strive to be, I’m a student and occasionally I get stressed but when I watch The Big Lebowski I can just sit back let the world wash off and become one with my dude self. And although I may not be a great bowler, damn is it a fun past time. |
United States | I enjoy the Big Lebowski because I’m one of Mr. Lebowski’s “Little Lebowski Urban Achievers” Although I didn’thave much promise, he still gave me the opportunity for a higher education. Becasue of him I completed my GED and attend the local community college. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is an amazing film because it has taught me so much. From the zen of bowling to the proper mixing of a good Caucasian, and to always just relax man, the dude abides. |
United States | It shares such a great philosophy on life, love, and art. There’s great music, cinematography, acting, cast, and script. And it really ties the room together. |
United States | The writing and directing are so nuanced, and by that I mean that no other beings on this green marble could have come up with such strange and rich personalities–only the Coens. And the casting/acting is divine! |
United States | It’s far out man. El Duderino help realized that my son maybe a pasifist and to just take it easy man. He may be fragile but I still love him. I was able to tell him when I was his age I to once dabbled in pasifism, not in Nam of corse. In closing what day is this……… |
United States | Its a timeless classic that has comedy, sports, fighting, sex, drinking in it. How many movies contain all that and are still good? The Dude exemplifies laziness yet still manages to have fun and gets caught up in some craziness. Who pays for coffee creamer with a check? The Dude! He rocks! |
United States | Because it is a great film. |
United States | The dude, man. |
United States | It’s the only one with the fuckin dude. |
Canada | The movie is great because the character embodies my entire life philosophy….minus drinking half & half from the carton. |
United States | It has something for everyone: love, mystery, deception, humor, wisdom, revenge, spirituality… fuckin A. |
United States | It’s great because it portrays the “everyman”, Lebowski, and his encounters with various social institutions on his journey to regain his equilibrium as an autonomous individual in western culture. It’s about a man who must wade through the crap in life in order to righteously abide! |
United States | It’s funny for different reasons every time you watch. |
United States | You’re out of your element here asking this question! |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film because it sums up life–take it easy, have a few oat sodas, and abide. |
United States | it is what it is, and what it is, is awesome |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski is not just a great film, it is much more than that. It is a philosophy, a way of life, a way of being. It has allowed me to take control of my life, to enjoy the simple things and the big things. The simple meaning, has allowed me to focus on what is truly important in life, friends and having a good time.
In short, it is a great film, it needs no explanation. |
United States | All the Dude ever wanted was his rug back… |
United States | the big lebowski is a great film because the Dude represents the story of every boyfriend, live in or otherwise, i ever had back, back then..you know. the dude represents the ultimate laid back lifestyle..and add to that jeff bridges is gorgeous, and there ya go. and its becuase of the dude that i so love “caucasians’ …. and am not so awfully crazy over marmots.
peace, jo |
France | Because The Dude |
United States | It’s the perfect guide to life! |
United States | Because it’s all about friendship and how far you’d go to help out a buddy. Few movie are so complicated in plot and have such a simple message. When I think about The Big Lebowski I think about all the great times I had watching it with my best friends in college (and going to Lebowskifest in Seattle where the real dude, Jeff Dowd, gave a drunken white-russian fueled speech about how important friendship is). We grow old but I’ll always have a copy of The Big Lebowski to pop in and take me back. |
United States | Jeff Bridges is perfect as himself. I mean the Big Lebowski. |
United States | Calmer than you are |
United States | WHO SAID, IT IS MOVIE??? |
United States | It always helps me to get my priorities straight. |
United States | It really pulls the entertainment center together. |
Canada | The Dude represents what we all should aspire to be. |
United States | In my opinion the Big Lebowski answers the age old guestion of life…why are we here? We are here to abide and take er’ easy!!!!!! |
United States | You must be kidding, DUDE! |
United States | Because we’ve all known people like them. Seriously. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because it is one of those films that you can discover something new every time you watch it. I think it gets funnier every time I see it. |
United States | Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to take it easy, and he abides forever. |
United States | Because dudes and dudettes all over the world can enjoy it. |
United States | Well, sometimes theres a film, and its a film for its age. The Big Lebowski seems to fit into any time, or any place. It doesn’t ave any time period restrictions. It is the only film that I can watch over and over without getting bored. Its become a test of friendship as well, I find that I don’t get along with people who don’t enjoy the movie. Also the characters are easy to relate to, even though the story is so absurd. |
United States | gak!! |
United States | Each character is as bizarre and endearing as the next. Even the pederast Jesus is a lovable character… |
France | The characters are the results of a great detailed work. That makes you feel attached to all of them because you instantly become part of the family! |
United States | I can find no flaws with it, and it makes me crack up. |
Brazil | We got Sam Elliot mustache, Jessica Moore in best form, action, bullets firing, niilists, bowling, Jeff Bridges kicking all asses all over time and a great philosophy. By the way, can you make me one White Russian? |
United States | Because the Dude made it okay to hate the f@ckin’ Eagles, man. |
United States | Because it is, man |
United States | It is an expression of the true art form that is chillness. |
United States | One word, “marmot.” |
United States | I “know” or have known most of the characters in the film, it makes me laugh, and I love Jeff Bridges. |
United States | Because The Dude is the way the truth and the light. |
United Kingdom | It just is, man
And green is good |
United States | It’s perfect! |
United States | This movie is such a great film, because it’s hilarious, and if you look at it the right way, a great lesson in life. The Dude is an especially great rollmodel. I mean, he litterally goes through hell and back, but the whole time, he mostly just takes it easy, and at the end of chaos, he simply abides and just goes bowling man, and that’s a great way to look at life. |
Netherlands | Because the dude takes it easy for all of us sinners, and he shows us that we too can be achievers.
I am the walrus |
United States | A better question is why is The Big Lebowski not the greastest movie made!!!!!!!!!!! That is the only question that could truely not be answered |
United States | Because Jeff Bridges is HOT. And the Coen Bros can sometimes see God. And Sam Elliot has the best narrator’s voice in the world, and usually the best weed. |
Denmark | Because it is the Dude! It is a picture of a man just taking it easy even though they pissed on his rug. That rug really tied the room together. |
United States | Nobody can penetrate deeper into the truth of the source of being than to say “Fuck it.”
That’s my answer. That’s my answer for everything. I have it tattooed on my for’ead. |
United States | A man that who enjoys a little smoke, White Russians, and bowling, has to be a latter day saint in the church of dude. |
Australia | It makes me smarter when i watch it. Then when i don’t watch it i get unsmarter. Oooooh look! shiny thing… coooool |
United States | The Dude abides. |
Australia | Mighty fine script writing, mighty fine choice of characters, mighty fine acting. All up, just mighty fine. |
Norway | No matter how sh*t your day have been the Big Lebowski always brighten up the day. |
United States | Its funny. Even 20 years after the story takes place its still relevant and able to be an influential work of art. It has a bit of everything in it. Love story, comedy, horror (i dont know about you but flea chasing after me in a red spandex suit with a giant pair of scissors would scare the shit out me), action, sports, and even the rare black man that listens to the eagles. I can honestly say that my life would be very different if i hadn’t seen The Big Lebowski. It showed me that no matter what you can be comfortable in your surroundings no matter how fucked up they may be. |
United Kingdom | Dude! Where can I start ? The actors seem to have been born to play the roles –Coen Brothers finest movie (thats just ,like , you know , my opinion man).
I know the script back and forward , and even my wife quotes from it . Take her easy , later on down the trail. |
Canada | The Big Lebowski is a life changing film, it opens your eyes and mind to culture, art, and of course dudeism. The film is a life lesson that everyone shuld go through, but mostly I enjoy it because that’s just it’s my opinion man, and that opinion has created as well as strengthened relationships around the world uniting all us dudes. |
United Kingdom | Dude, get with it… |
United States | The Big Lebowski is like an old friend. Every time I watch it, it feels familiar and yet I still laugh like it’s the first time I’ve seen it every time. It never gets old, I never tire of watching it because every time I watch it, I find something new to appreciate about it. When I’m sad, or need a pick me up, I turn to The Dude the way some women turn to a pint of ice cream. |
Poland | The Dude’s way presented in this movie is the right way for mankind do follow. |
Romania | Because it really ties the room together. |
Canada | Great Characters, Great Dialogue, it looks great, and Jeff Bridges is the man. But that’s just like my opinion, man. |
United States | It’s hard to say, man. It’s just a film that has almost become a way of life. |
United States | All too often I’ve felt my life has been through unfortunate events that I can never seem to know how to solve. I’d seen the film when I was younger but didn’t understand it really. Now it all makes sense. When life has brought you into situations that are incredibly uncomfortable, its time to say “fuck it. Let’s go bowling.” |
United Kingdom | The reason we watch this beautiful film every month and every dark day is this because it speaks to us. It gets us back to where we belong – taking her easy, doing our thing. It reminds us in those weary hours that at the end of the day we come and we go. So just take it easy and enjoy the ride.
Abide, brother, and i’ll abide with you. |
United States | The Dude abides with the flow… |
United States | The film concentrates on the dialogue as a means to tell it’s story instead of huge budgets and computer graphics. |
United States | The Dude Abides….. |
United States | The Big Lebowski combines a willing refusal to be controlled with evidence to support how important it is to stick to your guns. It validates our ability to stand up and say, “The Dude does not abide. Nor will I!” when faced with thugs who want to steal our rugs. It gives us a justifiable reason to drink White Russians and wear bathrobes all day. It is quintessential in showing us how much happier we can all be when we just relax, and take it easy. Oh, and bowling is the greatest sport EVER! |
United States | Because man, it totally ties the entire film industry together. |
United States | the dude….and walter nuff said |
United States | It just is, man. It’s a classic tale of, uh, you know, The Dude making his way. It’s a modern day Shakespearean comedy, and in some ways – man – it’s a tragedy (poor Donny). But yeah, you know, it’s just one of those great classic movies that can’t be forgotten. Why is it such a great film? It just is, man. It just is. |
United States | The film The Big Lebowski reaches out to all dudekind, including philosophers and your every day drunks, men, women, and couch potato dogs and cats. I am proud to be a Dudist. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because in the face of all of the adversity in todays society the dude somehow manages to drift aimlessly through without any lasting effects. We should all strive to kick back relax and just let life roll on. |
United States | ABIDE! |
United States | The dude abides |
United States | BE CAUSE IT HITS ALL THE THINGS THAT A AWESOME COMEDY also i love the film because the way its shot and the storytelling is just amazing i mean i really feel what the dude is going through with his almost constant harassment of life |
United States | The film is careful in its character development and use of language, which is exchanged among the characters to show how they are influencing each other. |
United States | It captures the essence of being one with our inner Dude! Overcoming life’s obstacles in a calm, cool, and collective manner while not spilling an ounce of our beverage! |
United States | The Dude is an example for all us sinners to look down to. He takes his life in stride and lives in the “now”, because that’s all we have. |
United States | 3 words “MARK IT ZERO!!” |
Canada | Well, there are alot of you know… a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous.
But seriously…. Because every time I see it, I find something new that makes me laugh. And I have seen it ALOT. |
United States | Great humour, and an odd assortment of characters. |
United States | Because it tells you what happens when you find a stranger in the alps. |
United States | The question should be why is The Big Lebowski the greatest film of all time? It’s simple because the movie covers all the bases on what it’s like to be the coolest guy of all time… I know that I connect with the Dude on several different levels, as well as millions of others. I watch The Big Lebowski at least one time a week and it never gets old, I compare it too the real good things in life. It should be laid back easy and fun, and this movie covers all of it. |
United States | Because…the Dude is…well the dude makes the film man! What’s the question again man? |
United States | Such is Dudism |
United Kingdom | Man, this is so hard. The film just abides. Without wasting my positive energy going into the intricacies I’d just like to say that I’ve spent much of my time from this life admiring The Big Lebowski, none of which has been wasted. |
Australia | Hey Dude, it doesn’t matter – it just is. And if you disagree – well…that’s okay too. |
United States | Why the fuck do you think! |
United States | It validates my beliefs and I believe in nothing! |
United States | Because we all need someone takin’er easy for us sinners. |
United States | Lebowski: Not a Movie, a Way of Life. |
United States | It is just to good to describe. |
United States | Never saw the film |
United States | What’s not to like about the ultimate lifestyle? |
Canada | First, a backstory:
When I was 3, my dad and all his friends were old burnout stoners, always calling each other “Dude” all baked to beat all hell. One day I was over at his friends house (also named Scot, who I’m named after) and randomly started calling him Dude, and since then he’s been Dude and I’ve been able to retain the title of Scot. This is the funny thing: My dads other best friend, Dave, was a spitting walking image of Jeff Bridges. The hair, the beard, the mannerisms, even the sound of his voice, that was Dave’s life. He used to sleep on Dudes couch and it would be a miracle if he put on something other than sweatpants. It was weird, because if Dave was the person there when I started throwing the word Dude out, the entire world would have changed (keep in mind, this was 1993). Instead, Dave is known as Uncle Bob (again, I was 3). What makes the Big Lebowski such a great film? It’s one guy with his fucked up friend and buddy with a heart of gold, thrusted into the world head on with nothing but a piece of shit car and good intentions. They’re all such a small piece of the world, so easy to overlook, yet all of a sudden they experience such a shitshow of emotions that make them realize its almost time to grow up, but after one more game. Also, anything with Sam Elliott is guaranteed badass as hell. |
United States | It’s as American as bowling shoes and “In and Out” Burgers!!! It’s an ethos!!! |
United States | Do you mind if I burn a j? |
United Kingdom | The dialogue. Always funny, always clever, always believable. That and the Creedence, obviously. |
United States | Because it had the dude in it |
United States | The Big Lebowski has to be the Greatest Bowling movie ever made. |
United States | The Dude-Prophet showed us the way to enlightenment through inactivity… yea, blessed be the white Russian and the weasel-free bath and yea, though the lady friend doth only wanteth me for my seed alone, I shall maintain my league average at all cost…
Amen… |
United States | Well, apart from the writing, the script, the director(s), the actors, and the set; I think people love the antihero, especially one as laid back (cooool) as The Dude. There’s also an entire generation of stoners and misanthropes that look up to an older version of themselves. The movie (apart from the plot) shows how joyous a simple life can be…bowling with friends, smoking an occasional doobie, and not sweating the small stuff like rent and work. There’s an escape from the boring and painful problems of life in this film. There’s also an array of entertaining characters, and amusing dialog that speaks a fundamental truth to so many of its fans…take it easy! And I’m not referencing the song; I hate the Eagles too! |
United States | There is always something new and hilarious to be discovered every time you watch it |
United States | Well, it brings new information to light, like how to wander into becoming a private investigator without letting it disrupt your enjoyment of of bowling or a dance cycle or White Russian or the act of coitus, man, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. Also — unlike so many films of its generation — “The Big Lebowski” abides. |
Uruguay | It resonates with like, everyone, man! |
United States | Jeff Bridges, nuff said |
Australia | Young grasshopper… In your opinion, why is it not? |
United States | Because it epitomizes the current state of affairs in one phrase… “Nice marmot, man!” |
Canada | Like seriously man, It was just a great film man. |
United States | Because of the Dude of course. and Walter…..and Donnie…. |
Australia | The film really ties my life together. |
United Kingdom | it just is! |
United Kingdom | Dude is god…enough said |
Israel | Dude, heavy question! |
Canada | it is a parable for life. bowling, beer, in and out burger,a rug that ties the whole room together and Sam Elliot….who could want for more! |
United States | Because it teaches two major life lessons: 1 – You don’t piss on another man’s rug. 2 – You don’t fuck with The Jesus. |
United States | It is mans inner battle between love, life, and an amazing “Caucasian”…. all to a groovy soundtrack. |
United States | It’s not a film so much as a way of life. It’s a reminder for all of us to just take it easy and not get so worked up about life. Shit happens. Just chill and go bowling and everything will be better.
The Dude is like the Dali Lama of movie characters. The absolute best. |
Canada | It demonstrates the core of human emotion, the flaws of modern society and the timeless battle between “the dude” and “the man”. |
Denmark | It takes the view of the little man in a big world, having alot going on around him when all he really wants is too take it easy knock over some pins, knock back some caucasians and maybe/maybe not knock up some lady friend(s)…
Really shows how much of what happens around you isn’t worth taking notice of… |
Canada | The characters are so well written for, as well as having so many things that are a sort of ‘trademark’ for the film. I to this day still drink at least one White Russian while bowling, and insist on listening to Creedence while doing so! |
Canada | The Big Lebowski contains everything that a great movie does. From action and suspense to intrigue, comedy and baby-making. Whatever your mood there is something in the film for you no matter how many times you have viewed it. |
United States | Cult classic aside, the movie presents a real down to earth relationship with the man known as The Dude. In the short journey alongside The Dude, one can find a connection, and one’s own path to zen. That, and it was damn funny. |
United States | It shows that no matter how out of whack thing get, it’s best to take it easy and have a Caucasian! |
United States | Great Acting!! |
United States | It’s like, the new guy is really fuckin’ inexperienced and unsure of his abilities but everyone else believes in him. And, like, the more he fuckin’ tries, the more he believes in himself. And then he meets the motherly black woman and she gives him some fuckin’ cookies and he bends the spoon with hus fuckin’ brain. That was just the first movie but it’s all kind of a metaphor for jesus and shit.
Wait, that was like, the Matrix. Awww, fuck it. |
United States | every scene is a classic. the acting/direction is effortless. hilarious! casting… pretty much everything. |
United States | Because it’s like, you know, a good time. And smart. And mesmerizing. Also, it is a huge influence on my art and all of my design and filmmaking, to a relaxed, yet profound level. |
United States | The portrayal of Dudeism gently touches/teaches the soul… whatever, man |
Brazil | Because of plot, of wit, of characters, of wisdom and truth, oh brother. |
United Kingdom | Sometimes when life stresses you out, movies are a great way to escape for a while. The Big Lebowski is a movie with such strong likable characters that it’s easy to go back and lose yourself again and again. Endlessly quotable and always able to bring a smile to your face. |
United States | Over the line! |
United States | …is this a…? What film is this…? |
United States | It is a look at all of us. The downtrodden and the not so downtrodden. It is a fantasy with two of my friends performances within… Townes and Mickey Newbury, and of course my old pal Jimmie Gilmore….
and one off lines that have joined the lexican… “shut the fuck up, Donnie” “the dude abides” |
United States | Everything you need to know about life and how to handle any situation can be found in this movie. |
United States | It really ties the industry together. |
United States | Because it’s about a really chill guy that gets to thrust into a situation he has never handled before |
United States | The dialogue. The characters. The way I can incorporate the movie quotes in everyday conversation & the bond that is created between fellow achievers! Calmer than you are,
Sharon Krieger |
United States | It teaches, uh, a much better way to live, man. Once you’ve seen it, you’re privy to a whole new, uh, a whole bunch of new shit, you know?
A better view of how the world, umm, works, and how to deal with all of… Hey, do you mind if I make myself a drink while we talk? No? Good. Anyways, I just really, uh, I think it helps the masses… Understand how to just chill, man. Just take it easy. Like the dude, man. |
United States | well lets be honest what other movie would u expect dialogue like…
The Dude: Walter, what is the point? Look, we all know who is at fault here, what the fuck are you talking about? Walter Sobchak: Huh? No, what the fuck are you… I’m not… We’re talking about unchecked aggression here, dude. Donny: What the fuck is he talking about? The Dude: My rug. Walter Sobchak: Forget it, Donny, you’re out of your element! The Dude: Walter, the chinaman who peed on my rug, I can’t go give him a bill, so what the fuck are you talking about? Walter Sobchak: What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I’m talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT… Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please. The Dude: Walter, this isn’t a guy who built the railroads here. This is a guy… Walter Sobchak: What the fuck are you…? The Dude: Walter, he peed on my rug! Donny: He peed on the Dude’s rug. Walter Sobchak: Donny you’re out of your element! Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here! |
United States | It’s a great story, lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous. Just when you think you’ve seen it too many times, new shit comes to light.
But, that’s just, like, my opinion, man. |
United States | It rises above the seemingly simple story to become a lesson on how to live your life. |
United States | It shows the struggle of the Dude as he just tries to do his thing, ya know? |
United States | It shows us what a person should be like without the stress and indignation that we are labeled with in society. The dude is not a wealthy person, yet lives very richly because he has accepted who he is, and persists with his lifestyle despite the taboo around it. It’s a film that is more true to life, than most. Although the plot of the film is a detective caper, the real focus of the film is about the Dude, and his interactions with the people during a fish out of water experience. The Coen brothers do a phenominal job of letting us see from the perspective of someone else, instead of just witnessing an actor play the role. It also helps that the production value of the film is very high, and the Dude is a bowler. But, that’s just like…My opinion, man. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is the best film in the entire world, not only for The Dude, but also because it has come to this. Dudeism. Without this film, I believe our great religion would not have been born, and we would all just be takin’ ‘er easy, without knowing we were really Dudeiests all along, and still having that religious void. |
United States | I saw the Big Lebowski for the first time a few weeks ago. Without much prior knowledge beyond, “Dude, you’re gonna love this movie,” it managed to find a certain balance in the way it took the slackarific lifestyle of the dude and the inescapable need to do. |
United States | it is one of the finest of film because it has it all… just like life…. conception to death..
dedication to one beliefs the high road ….the low road …..the balance of justice just swinging in the breeze and checks and balances…. and a great dream sequence lets not forget that …. M. Winslade Dudeist, |
United States | Because I’ve met every character in this film. Yes, even Jesus and the aggro Eagles-loving taxi driver.
Other than that, its a big, great, overstuffed film noir. But fun. And with the Dude. |
United States | I would tell you, but it would be just like, my opinion, man. It really ties the world together and like, unites them with inside jokes and movie references. |
United States | It really speaks to an entire generation of people displaced after the “revolution” of the 60’s lost. And for those of us who yearn for a simpler time of taking it easy, it speaks to us too. |
United States | Well, you know, it’s good. I like good movies. It’s also kind of cool that it’s so open to interpretation; first time I watched it I thought it was an illustration of Freudian psychology (I mean come on, the main super-ego character is even called the *big* Lebowski), but the more I watch, it’s not so much the less I feel that interpretation is valid but rather the more I feel everyone else is right (who’s to say that Walter isn’t a symbol of Poland’s historical attitudes?). In a world of absolutists, it’s nice to find something where everyone can disagree, look at each other, and, with a complacent nod, simply say “yeah, man, cool.” |
United Kingdom | “The story is ludicrous” with a lot of ins, a lot of outs and a lot of what-have-yous. It effortlessly covers almost every genre with beautifully detailed, memorable characters, in an unusual but relatable world. The rare treat of The Big Lebowski, I think, is that it gets better every time you watch it. It is simultaneously a “big picture” kind of a story while also revelling in the minutiae of everyday life. It’s an inspiration every time I watch it and it comforts me to know that the Dude abides. |
United States | Because it is the perfect melding of writing, directing, acting, soundtrack, and design. |
United States | Of course The Big Lebowski has endless repeat viewability. Of course it did for Jeff Bridges what Pulp Fiction did for Travolta. But more than a narrative structure borrowed from classic noir thriller, fleshed out with an aging stoner, nihilist porn stars, a feminist dilettante, an observant Vietnam vet, and Donny, is its message:
1. The Chinaman is not the issue 2. This aggression will not stand 3. Find a cash machine 4. Don’t roll on Shabbos 5. You can’t board a Pomeranian 6. There are a lot of ins, lot of outs, lot of what-have-yous 7. Don’t be undude 8. The beauty of the plan is its simplicity 9. Hold out hope for the Credence 10. If you don’t like it, get your own fucking cab. 11. Jerk off manually 12. Metallica are a bunch of assholes 13. It’s ok, Nihilists are cowards 14. This isn’t ‘nam. There are rules 15. The bums lost 16. Don’t be fatuous 17. The rug really tied the room together 18. Eight-year-olds, dude 19. Fuck it, let’s go bowling 20. Don’t fuck with the Jesus Catch you a little later on down the trail. |
United States | It’s the film for our time and place; it fits right in there! |
Uruguay | It teaches Jewish history from Moses to Sandy Koufax. |
United States | Duuudde!!!!!!!!! |
United States | It’s a smart, funny, superbly directed film crafted by two of the greatest movie-makers working today. It’s endlessly re-watchable, endlessly quotable, and fuel for endless discussion and debate. It makes me feel good about me, my life and the people in it, and it gets others to do the same. This is one kick-ass movie. |
United States | It speaks to me on several levels. And the man in the black pajamas is a worthy adversary. |
United Kingdom | The dude doth abide. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film because it perfectly captures that emotion we all have but won’t admit to: not giving a shit. |
Canada | What makes The Big Lebowski a terrific film is the combination of several wonderful factors that are layered together like some delicious concoction (which, in fairness, the film also is).
The first charming layer is the story itself; an absurd tale of coincidence and calamity (yet featuring many elements drawn from real life incidents) starring a man who cannot in any way be said to be a traditional Hollywood hero, and in some ways isn’t even that likeable, but who is nevertheless harmless, simple, and easy to relate to. All he really wants is a rug to tie the room together, some time at the bowling alley, and a White Russian. It is an uncomplicated life in a world full of scheming, violence, and nihilists, and in that way it is an admirable one. In the face of drama and needless complexity, sometimes the wise thing to do is to just say “Fuck it.” The next reason The Big Lebowski is such a treat is the dialogue. The Dude and all those he encounters have fluid conversations filled with interjections and rants and asides, much like any real-life conversation. The dialogue isn’t simply there to give the characters something to do between explosions or provide exposition and as it is in so many other movies. Each character has a unique manner of speaking — from Donny’s perplexed interjections to Walter’s constant aura of dignity, affront and outrage — which requires great effort from the writers and the actors both. Finally, as we all know, the movie is stuffed with wonderful quotes and bon mots, and the humour and wit make it a film that can be watched again and again. And then there are the visuals of the film. On the one hand, there are surreal and wonderful dream sequence episodes such as the “Just Dropped In to See What Condition My Condition Was In” trip that the Dude took, but there are also small cuts and minor visual details that further the story. For instance, the pan downwards to Bunny’s 10 perfectly painted and intact toes, making it clear that she was never kidnapped. Or the simple visual of the normally cocky and aggressive Jesus meekly going door to door to let the neighbourhood know he was a convicted sex offender. Finally, there’s the brilliant soundtrack. It ties the whole film together, man. |
United States | It shows that not every conflict can be solved through conflict. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because of many different strands. But ultimately it all boils down to the human comedy. Which is how I relate and abide with everything that happens to me.
Good or bad, strikes and gutters, ups and downs. No matter what lane we find ourselves bowling on in the roll of life, it has to be fun. And helps to be funny. Dudeist Master Sigh |
Greece | The movie says it all without really saying anything, it’s deeply philosophical in some strange way. The Dude has a copy of Sartre’s “Being and Nothingness” on his bedside table. The Dude minds. “I don’t know about you, but I take comfort knowing he’s out there, the Dude, takin’ her easy for all us sinners”
I’ve watched it like 20 times so far. Far out. |
United States | The simple power of The Big Lebowski comes from the ordinary characters that rule the film. The ordinary rule the world. |
United States | I love Jeff Bridges and this is the funniest film on so many levels! |
United States | As a religious studies major, I love The Big Lebowski due to the theology and religious allusion contained in the film. As a lazy human being, I love the film because its a excellent reason to spend a night eating pizza, drinking White Russians while toasting to the Dude and telling all of my friends that they are out of their element.
However, the biggest reason why The Big Lebowski is such a great film is the sense of brotherhood around the film. If I meet a new person and they love the movie I instantly know that I have made a new friend that is as awesome as I am. |
United States | Because it’s so simple. The twists and turns of the plot make it seem complex, but the movie is (at its core) about the Dude, and like him, it abides. |
United States | Never mind the great characters, the unforgettable dialogue, and the Coen Bros. quirky and strange sensibilities; I love this movie because, in it’s own weird, offbeat way, it’s a life-affirming film. It’s the Coen Bros. at their most optimistic, acknowledging that there’s so much in the world that doesn’t make one goddamn bit of sense, but that’s ok; you just try to do the right thing when confronted by a difficult situation, and then just do what makes you happy. At the end of the day, sometimes the exclamation, “Fuck it, Dude. Let’s go bowling.” is all you can say, and that’s perfectly fine. So fuck it, Dude. Let’s go bowling. |
Canada | I think The Big Lebowski is a gem, it’s perfect, it’s a Swiss fuckin’ watch, man. I find myself quoting it nearly everyday and it’s pure magic when someone quotes it back to me. When I’m having a rough day I take a breath, have a couple oat sodas, watch my favourite movie and I feel better. There’s no one answer as to why this film is so great, it just is. It’s a combination of the cast, the story, and a rug. It’s like taking what’s left of the food in your fridge and putting it all in a pot and it ends up being the best meal you’ve ever made. It just really ties my life together, man. |
United States | well, thats just like my opinion man. |
United States | “The Big Lebowski” combines the best of every genre — it’s a comedy, a detective story, a thriller, a Western and a road movie. It has action, adventure and historical context. And two oat sodas. |
United States | I’m only 22. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, and I bowl under 100 every time. I’m nothing like The Dude, Walter, or Donnie. After hearing about it for so long from the time it came out, I finally got it in me to watch it for myself just two years back. The Dude teaches a lesson in basic concepts of Zen and existentialism. He is the ideal film character because he’s universally relateable, even if you have zero of the attributes. How he treats others and reacts the the situations around him are so cool, and collect, while you can tell by how he reacts that he just wants his simple life. It’s admirable. That and the cast, script, direction, photography, and literally everything about the movie is damned perfect. But that’s just, like, my opinion, man. |
United States | Sometimes there’s a film — and I’m talkin’ about The Big Lebowski here — Sometimes, there’s a film, well, it’s the film for its time and place. It fits right in there. And that’s The Big Lebowski. And even if it’s a … a … Sometimes there’s a film … Ah, I lost my train of thought here. |
United States | Because of the Kraftwerk reference. Any film which references Kraftwerk cannot help but be a great film. :-) |
United States | The Big Lebowksi is a great film because it teaches us that things are going to work out in the end. Maybe not right away and maybe not in the way we thought, but that is “the way the whole durn human comedy keeps perpetuatin’ itself.” So when life is bumming you out man just keep those wagons hitched and moving westward. Also it taught me the one valuable lesson that even Christianity never just comes out and says and that is “Nobody fucks with the Jesus.” |
United States | Because I love to have a street fight after bowling. |
United States | Because it’s multi-layered, in both the script and the characters. There is always something new to take from it. I believe it gets better with more viewings, too. Someone could see it a dozen times having never read Raymond Chandler, but then after reading, will find a whole new appreciation. |
United States | The Dude abides therefore i must abide |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film for the same reason that Dudeism is a great religion. The Dude is a character that takes it easy, and does the proverbial “abiding.” He doesn’t let the world crush him, no matter how crazy it becomes, with fucking nihilists going over the line. Even when the Dude becomes entangled with carpet-pissers and men who treat objects like women, he’s able, in the end, to let it roll off of his back and say, “Fuck it, let’s go bowling.” The Big Lebowski shows us, as a species, to not let the world ruin us, but to simply enjoy a mighty fine caucasian and roll with our friends, no matter how much they need to shut the fuck up or put the piece away. |
United States | I was a lost soul, wandering about this world pointlessly till I experienced this movie. It has opened my eyes to existence, I abide. |
United Kingdom | Dude, it encompasses everything about the world in one simple and easy way and it does it without some knight clad in armour rescuing a princess but with a man. One man.
How many films can tap into your soul and give you a whole new perspective on life it’s self? That’s just like my opinion dude but if I win or not I’m blessed by seeing it. |
United States | Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uhm, Ah “F” it man ! |
United Kingdom | I er love the Big Lebowski because it em –wait a minute man –it like is em just like how it should be .
I think |
United Kingdom | Even in the face of mind bending craziness and mistaken identities, abiding will see you through.
Plus if your lucky you’ll even get laid and have a few free drinks on the way. |
United States | There is not another movie that transcends culture, time, race, the whole lot. The Big Lebowski not only entertains but also educates. It teaches us how to take it easy in a world full of reactionaries. It’s a film that you can watch 100 times and see something new in it each time.
No other movie (at least to my knowledge) has a cult following, festivals dedicated to it, numerous book written on it, and a religion formed from it. This speaks a lot of it’s content, actors and writing. In short, I really do love this movie and everything that steams from it! |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski simply ties all that is Dude together man. It allows us to take ‘er easy for all those sinners out there. It shows us the true path to enlightenment.
With a great cast of actors and actresses and er, what in God’s holy name am I blathering about? … oh yeah … with a great cast and awesome writers it’s a move that can be watched over and over again. Not only do you not get bored of it but you notice something you didn’t the last time! Thank you Coen Brothers!!! ADoY Kristian Lewin |
United States | For me it was everything about it. The characters, the story, the music all of those. But mostly and I’m talkin about the dude here. It was just the whole vibe of it. And I knew it had to be good if you had to watch it more than once for the whole Lebowski experience to all settle in. A lot of movies can make a person laugh but you have something special when you see something as great as The Big Lebowski and it gives you some insight as to how you could be approaching your life a bit more chill without feeling uh well you know?
That about wraps her all up. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is an epic on the scale of The Odyssey, without all the fancy poetry, and with a lot cooller dream sequences. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is just the movie for it’s time and place. I have seen this movie hundreds of times, and I somehow find it more and more interesting every time. Also, if it weren’t for this movie, I would still be on a search for the religion that is right for me. The dude is just the man, and the world could benefit if everyone would try to make themselves a little more like him. |
United States | Leaves with a feeling of “Man, I just watched some deep and heartwarming shit” after you watch it. Changed my outlook on life as well as evidently many others. True work of art. |
United States | It is a great film because… what was the question? |
United States | It has everything a film should have. It has under one dollar checks, aggressions that will not stand, non-preferred nomenclatures, nihilists, marmots, using a ringer for a ringer, white Russians, rugs that tie the room together, and modestly priced receptacles. There just isn’t another film out there that has all that. |
United States | The Dude and I share a life philosophy – Abide and Relax, Man. |
United Kingdom | The great thing about The Big Lebowski is how it leaves no philosophy unturned. I think it’s easy for Dudeists to forget that the Dude – in fairness, the primary character of the film – is one amongst an ensemble of people with wildly differing ideologies, and while we get the odd flash of bemusement or frustration from our protagonist, there’s never any sort of outright condemnation.
Someone with severe anxiety issues can come away from The Big Lebowski, figuring Donny as the tragic hero of the film; the moral but quiet centre around which everything else revolves. Men in high castles can see it as a glittering exposé of the emotional sides their roles forbid them from expressing. Maude might come off as pretentious to any outsider, but fellow modern artists might see her as an aspirational paradigm; a sort of “screw you” to people who don’t take the more esoteric forms of art seriously. And nihilists… well, maybe we’ll keep quiet about the nihilists. Of course, the merits of a great film aren’t entirely based around how well they speak to people, but it’d be foolish to say that it isn’t an important factor. It’s everything else that sets it at ease – a lead character who refuses to judge on a whim, and a plot that meanders and takes its own time, rather than hitting home with some hardcore political or existential message. This is what makes The Big Lebowski such a great film for me – not the Dude, the inspiration that I took away, but the the fact that inspiration can be taken from it in more than one way. |
United States | A wise man once said that “shit happens”. The Dude teaches us how to deal with that shit not by being an asshole about it, but by taking time to participate even when the whole world goes crazy. |
United States | Because….The Dude Abides… |
United States | It has some of the BEST characters in film history. There is just no one else like The Dude, Maude, Donny, Walter and the rest of the gang. And there never will be. |
United States | It’s got everything a great film should have and you might even learn somethin’. |
United States | It is such a great film because it speaks to the common man. The everyday Joe relates to The Dude because he embodies all that we wish we could do. He does not work, he imbibes illegal substances, he bowls, and finds himself in fantastic situations. The everyday person wakes up early, goes to work at a job he more than likely does not enjoy, comes home for his 2 hours of personal time, then goes to bed early to do the whole damn thing over again. The Dude does what he wants and is good at doing nothing. He is the slacker hero. |
United States | “The Big Lebowski” has got humor, mystery, and everything anyone can ever ask for in a movie. It inspires everyone to take ‘er easy while still doing the best we can to help people out. It’s a movie about friends, and a movie about life. Sometimes you may get your rug pissed on, but all you can really say in the end is “Fuck it.” Yes, fuck it. |
United States | Because of its one liners: just like Animal House, the one liners became part of our colloquial:i.e. “the dude abides”, “don’t mess with the Jesus”, etc. |
United States | First of all man, the characters are just about the greatest of all time. You can never see any of the actors the same way again.
Secondly Dude, the writing is fantastic, with more QLF (Quotable Lines per Film) than any other piece in history or atleast the parlance of our times. Lastly, it just, uh, you know man, it just is a great film man. It keeps the mind limber. Lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what have yous. That’s what makes this such a great piece. Well that’s just like, my opinion man. |
United States | It’s enlightening in the Dudeist sense. |
United States | See .. it just .. like it ties my life toGETHer man! |
United States | Its great because it stands the test of time and holds the room together! |
United States | The Big Lebowski is more than just a film to me. It has become a way to live life, a religion, I have become a complete and totally better person…. for the better. |
United States | truth, man |
United States | The big lebowski has played a big part in my life. It has taught me how to handle speed bumps in life, spilled beverages, HABITUAL LINE STEPPERS or what have you. If I am having a very undude day, I just pop in the movie and all my troubles fade away. ITS LIKE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT JESUS…WWDD…
Canada | You know, one day, I sat on a bridge. This was a fall day, so there was a gentle breeze, enough to shake the seasons turning leaves from their annual home on the various oak, maple and birch trees that surrounded the river. There was nothing spectacular about this day… not exceptionally sunny, not yet the frigid cold that signifies the dark winter that was yet to come.
I stood an that particular bridge, on that particular day, and watched as the leaves floated toward me from some place upriver, and took their individual ways down the watery path. Some bobbed and weaved, being tossed this way and that, falling victim to the various eddies and courses that the obstacles in the river took. Some got hung up on a low overhanging branch, just to be tugged free moments later by a random drop of water off a nearby submerged rock. And I got think about my own life… how sometimes, I myself get hung up on low lying branches, and get caught in endlessly swirling eddies. And sometimes, I just sort of flow along with the other leaves in the river; sometimes just watching them go by, sometimes linking up, and letting our stems touch a while. I realized, that day, gazing into the flowing water beneath my feet, that I like taking it easy. I like letting the river decide where I go, and who I am lucky enough to enjoy the ride with. And that’s why I love the Dude. And that’s why I love the Big Lebowski. |
United States | It is intelligent and funny and encourages us all to be the most dude-like strangers we can. Even if our name is Donnie. |
United States | Lot of strands in ol’ Duder’s film – modern day noir, Everyman tale, buddy film, the ethos of letting go, pitch perfect send-up of several different social circles, bowling, Credence.
‘the fuck are you talking about, man? How could it not be a great film. |
Italy | Hey! Take it easy!
This contest is too hard! Well… it is a good film, but on the other hand, it is just my opinion … |
United States | Love. Hate. Death. The hope of birth. It’s all there, man! |
United States | The reality of The Dudes cool inspires me each day to just say duck it to the small stuff! |
United States | Amazing characters. |
Canada | Sometimes there is a film for it’s time and place. The Big Lebowski, now known as the One True Holy Testament of His Dudeness, was not that film. It is, however, the film for this time and place, giving hope to man- (and lady friend) kind in these, our darkest of modern days. In an era frought with heaviness, rampant fascism and very un-Dude behaviour, The Dude and his story put things in perspective and offer us a blueprint for living a more laid-back, Dudeist life. It’s like, you look for who profits most from, uh, taking er easy and you um, what day is this? |
United States | Why not? |
United Kingdom | In the Dude the Coen bros created a person who has adapted his lifestyle to ride the craziness of the last decade of the 20th C and avoid sinking into the commercial morass. He’s an anti-soldier, his training ground is the Bowling alley, his war song is by Creedence and his squad of two are dedicated to his cause, unfortunately they just have different takes on how he would achieve victory.
And it’s a fucking hilariously funny film, Jesus’ speech, the red-herring that is the mention of ‘Johnsons’, Jackie Treehorns doodling and a Shamus on the Dudes tail; inspired! The huge well of catch-phrases that sink into your consciousness, the community which has been created around the Dude, its a film for the people and should be on a syllabus somewhere. Peace, out. |
United Kingdom | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because it just *is* – like the many threads of lives and ideas that intertwined throughout the universe to ensure the movie’s existence. It exists because of its greatness, and in spite of it; Buddhist theory teaches that life is pain. And yet there is the Lebowski. Pretty far out, right? |
United States | It has everything. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such a great film because its about away more than just a story. Its about an attitude. The movie inspired books, and it inspired this church. More than that, however, it inspired people. This movie was recently shown at one of the theaters in my city, and there was a huge turnout. People who didn’t know each other were being friendly, chatting, and even going out for White Russians afterwards. Its so funny and so amazing, it brings people together. Everyone can take a little something from this movie. |
United States | The Big Lebowski showed me what was missing in my life: a rug to really tie the room together.
That and on every re-watch I appreciate its simple brilliance just as much as I did the first time. Likable characters, humor, sadness, memorable phrases to repeat in a variety of social situations… THOSE are the things that make The Big Lebowski great. |
United States | Quotes can be used in everyday life… |
United States | The Dude teaches that there’s no point in stressing the little things(the big things either for the most part,) and a good rug can really bring the room together. |
United Kingdom | It.s got everything, man;
The dude, walter, donny, bunny, white russians, bob dylan to kick it all off and a classic acid flashback with see what condition my condition is in for the soundtrack. Dont “mark it a zero”, mark it ten out of ten. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a great film because it gives the world the only message it needs to hear: “Hey, careful man, there’s a beverage here!” This message alone could stop global warming. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is the greatest movie ever. I’ve had a lot of issues with stress and anxiety my whole life. Following The Dude’s example of how to be laid back and relaxed in any situation has helped improve my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined.
Being an autistic man in a normie world means that I don’t understand or see life in the way that other people do. The Big Lebowski was a life-changing movie for me. The Dude was different than any other protagonist. His bathrobe and flip-flops was a direct representation of his ongoing quest for comfort. He wasn’t afraid to be comfortable in situations in which many others would have been stressed about being well dressed and represented in a more typical fashion. Even when things got really bad, The Dude kept calm and I love him for that. By following his example, I’ve been able to live a much more relaxing, fun, and fulfilling life. This was, of course, supplemented by Dudeism and the community I’ve found here. Now when something unfortunate happens, I don’t get mad, but that rug really tied the room together, man. |
United Kingdom | I think it’s down to the casting….Geoff Bridges as the dude is a masterstroke who else could have given such a laid back performance? It’s easy to relate to the Dude when you have such an outstanding actor in the lead role. Just my two pennies worth. CD |
United States | Its transmit the feel of that time and place in a way that speaks to you man, nothing fancy, no non-sense easy to enjoy and love! |
United States | The Big Lebowski endures because despite it’s overwhelmingly loose structure, wandering tangents, and absurd internal logic, it… aww fuck it, man, let’s go bowling. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is such an awesome film because it’s really trippy man. I also love the characters. They’re over the top, different, lovable, and the actors the Coen brothers chose weren’t your run of the mill sexy actors. I also like how it provides a different view on things. It shows the story of what many people would call a loser. |
Iceland | It just is, man. |
United States | First of all, I was there on opening weekend back in 1998 to see this film. Needless to say, I have been living la vida Duda since. The Big Lebowski is such a great film because it teaches us that sometimes you just have to say, ‘fuck it’ and let it go. The Dude learned that the hard way when he pressed The Big Lebowski to compensate him for his rug that got micturated upon. |
United States | The Coens have created an amazing group of very specific, very knowable, and very timeless characters that we can all relate to. We know these characters; we’d like to hang out with these characters; and in some cases we ARE these characters. The characters are so vivid and complex and universal that we never get tired of seeing and hearing them. “The Big Lebowski” is one of the greatest screenplays ever written. |
United States | In short why I like The Big Lebowski is because here you’ve got this dude, just like you or me, and all he wants to do is throw a few stones, have a couple of drinks and relax, and some twist of fate has turned his life upside down. But the dude doesn’t get mad, he doesn’t ‘freak out’, he simply abides. That’s not to say that he rolls over and plays dead, but he approaches the issue with a serenity denied to all but the most enlightened or insane. I think we should all take a lesson from The Dude’s example and just ‘take it easy’. |
United States | It has so many great qualities: a stoner hero, freaky people, excellent writing, and it’s a well shot film. |
United States | This film stands apart and above all of my other favorites, it illustrates how in numerous crisis’ how we can either “Take It Easy,” or just roll with it. The Dude does get flustered a few times with the situations he is in, getting mad at Walter, the dick following him in the VW, but ultimately each of these situations he proves that in the end it will resolve itself.
It clearly shows how those who make out to be huge do-gooders & money makers can have a dark side (Mr. Lebowski) & take advantage, lie & cheat i.e. I can see Wall St scandals written all in that character. Yet you have the polar opposite in The Dude who enjoys each day and moment as it comes with no desire to cheat people like Mr Lebowksi. Perhaps this dualistic view on life–greed vs “Zen,” not only illustrates todays scandals but also is a view of this battle that has taken place for a millennia. Whether the underlying tone of this is a Zen attitude or not, but it makes sense why fans have rewritten the Tao De Ching into the Dude De Ching, a code that I live by, certainly a lesson for many–I also love when a film or a book brings people together. The effect it has had on fans–some of which may have had a low view of themselves, or have been oppressed by bullies –it changes them, not all fans are like this but in my own experience the fandom of this film are a highly creative group of people, and are vastly different and more laid back than a number of other fan (non Lebowski) communities that I am involved in. And, every single one of them are Achievers. |
United States | It’s simply hilarious! The Dude lives by his own rules and damn the consequences! The cast of characters? TOO effin funny! |
United States | It’s a classic that taught me to take life as it comes and enjoy every part of it. I’ve always been takin’ it easy, but now I fully embrace the lifestyle. Don’t be fatuous, guys, I really really like this movie. It’s not just a great film, it’s the best of all time! Aw shucks, I’m ramblin’ on again….tomorrow’s already the 10th! |
United Kingdom | I think it is such a great film because it is a well written, perfectly acted, and well put together piece of cinema. The Dude has changed my life and I am forever greatful for that. Long days and plesant nights to you sirs. |
United States | My favorite movie because of the comedy, but what makes it so great is just that it’s about a guy, a Dude rather, who lives his life in his own way and finds happiness in the simplicities of life. |
Italy | Big Lebowski is not only a movie- it’s a way of life!!! nobody takes things so easy as Dude. I love simple lifestyle and how he handles things!!
In his honor a least once a month I go bowling with my friends, drinking white russians!! dudeism is my religion!!!!! |
United States | The Dude lives the life all of us from Mars would like to live… if not constrained by reality. |
United States | The Dude is the epitome of chill, and manages to pull it off without being lazy. He took action, but only enough to satisfy himself. |
United States | Uh man, what can I say that hasnt already been said. The film promotes well being without structure. It gives us a leader to believe in, even though he doesnt lead and that’s cool. It provides a state of mind all people should observe, unless they dont feel like it, and that is OK. The film itself is it’s own genre combining action, drama, comedy, tragedy, love story – a tragactamedy love story. If I dont win….it’s cool….life moves on….go with the flow…takin it easy and wait for the next door to open. I just hope it opens by itself cuz I’m too mellowed out to get up and answer. |
United States | Cause the Dude is in it, need I say more. |
United States | It’s helped me to abide! |
United States | Nobody calls me Lebowski. You got the wrong guy. I’m the Dude, man. |
United Kingdom | Because it justifies my disatisfaction with consumerism, and also my extreme laziness. |
United States | WOW! So much to say! Aside from the obvious humor, there are lessons to be learned from the film and not just from the Dude himself. Walter, Donny, TBL, Bunny and the Nihilists all have something to teach us about what or what not to do. Then there’s the bowling. You can never go wrong with bowling. If it were not for TBL, I never would have considered even trying a White Russian…boy, would I have been missing out. Finally, and most importantly…Dudeism never would have been spawned and I would not now be a practicing Dudeist and ordained priest. |
United States | The Big Lebowski, in my Dudeist opinion, is great because of:
Extreme use of the “F” word, (which is always funny)an acoholic beverage as a co-star, & the lesson of it’s ok to just be chill. |
United States | The movie has everything anybody can possible want, the movie contains adventure, romance, comedy, mystery, suspense, war, and tragedy. The Dude must reclaim a rug, prepare for a contest against The Jesus, rescue a damsel from distress, make courteous with a beautiful lady, Take on Jackie Treehorn and his minions and a corrupt sheriff on his payroll, Battle the nihilist and grieve the lose of Donnie who was taking away from him before his time like so many young men before him… |
Portugal | Because Dude is a relax man that is able to live in a no-relax age!! |
United Kingdom | Every time I watch The Big Lebowski, which is more than once but less than a hundred times, I find something new, something that wasn’t there for me.
But a few things remain constant, abide, take ‘er easy, and above all else, sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar well, uh… lost my train of thought there. |
United States | The Big Lebowski is a cult classic that stands the test of time, like Caddyshack. It is a brilliant story of friendship, bowling, and mystery with an underlying message to just take ‘er easy. |
United States | It promotes a philosophy that tells us to just chill out and abide in a world that is so hectic. |